Physical and Microbiological Evaluation of Chitosan Films: Effect of Essential Oils and Storage
The effect of the inclusion of thyme and rosemary
essential oils into chitosan films, as well as the microbiological and
physical properties when storing chitosan film with and without the
mentioned inclusion was studied. The film forming solution was
prepared by dissolving chitosan (2%, w/v), polysorbate 80 (4% w/w
CH) and glycerol (16% w/w CH) in aqueous lactic acid solutions
(control). The thyme (TEO) and rosemary (REO) essential oils (EOs)
were included 1:1 w/w (EOs:CH) on their combination 50/50
(TEO:REO). The films were stored at temperatures of 5, 20, 33°C
and a relative humidity of 75% during four weeks. The films with
essential oil inclusion did not show an antimicrobial activity against
strains. This behavior could be explained because the chitosan only
inhibits the growth of microorganisms in direct contact with the
active sites. However, the inhibition capacity of TEO was higher than
the REO and a synergic effect between TEO:REO was found for S.
enteritidis strains in the chitosan solution.
Some physical properties were modified by the inclusion of
essential oils. The addition of essential oils does not affect the
mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation at break, puncture
deformation), the water solubility, the swelling index nor the DSC
behavior. However, the essential oil inclusion can significantly
decrease the thickness, the moisture content, and the L* value of
films whereas the b* value increased due to molecular interactions
between the polymeric matrix, the loosing of the structure, and the
chemical modifications. On the other hand, the temperature and time
of storage changed some physical properties on the chitosan films.
This could have occurred because of chemical changes, such as
swelling in the presence of high humidity air and the reacetylation of
amino groups. In the majority of cases, properties such as moisture
content, tensile strength, elongation at break, puncture deformation,
a*, b*, chrome, 7E increased whereas water resistance, swelling
index, L*, and hue angle decreased.
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