Published November 4, 2014 | Version 9999749
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Statistical Assessment of Models for Determination of Soil – Water Characteristic Curves of Sand Soils


Characterization of the engineering behavior of
unsaturated soil is dependent on the soil-water characteristic curve
(SWCC), a graphical representation of the relationship between water
content or degree of saturation and soil suction. A reasonable
description of the SWCC is thus important for the accurate prediction
of unsaturated soil parameters. The measurement procedures for
determining the SWCC, however, are difficult, expensive, and timeconsuming.
During the past few decades, researchers have laid a
major focus on developing empirical equations for predicting the
SWCC, with a large number of empirical models suggested. One of
the most crucial questions is how precisely existing equations can
represent the SWCC. As different models have different ranges of
capability, it is essential to evaluate the precision of the SWCC
models used for each particular soil type for better SWCC estimation.
It is expected that better estimation of SWCC would be achieved via
a thorough statistical analysis of its distribution within a particular
soil class. With this in view, a statistical analysis was conducted in
order to evaluate the reliability of the SWCC prediction models
against laboratory measurement. Optimization techniques were used
to obtain the best-fit of the model parameters in four forms of SWCC
equation, using laboratory data for relatively coarse-textured (i.e.,
sandy) soil. The four most prominent SWCCs were evaluated and
computed for each sample. The result shows that the Brooks and
Corey model is the most consistent in describing the SWCC for sand
soil type. The Brooks and Corey model prediction also exhibit
compatibility with samples ranging from low to high soil water
content in which subjected to the samples that evaluated in this study.



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