Published August 1, 2014 | Version 9999298
Journal article Open

Recognition of Noisy Words Using the Time Delay Neural Networks Approach


This paper presents a recognition system for isolated
words like robot commands. It’s carried out by Time Delay Neural
Networks; TDNN. To teleoperate a robot for specific tasks as turn,
close, etc… In industrial environment and taking into account the
noise coming from the machine. The choice of TDNN is based on its
generalization in terms of accuracy, in more it acts as a filter that
allows the passage of certain desirable frequency characteristics of
speech; the goal is to determine the parameters of this filter for
making an adaptable system to the variability of speech signal and to
noise especially, for this the back propagation technique was used in
learning phase. The approach was applied on commands pronounced
in two languages separately: The French and Arabic. The results for
two test bases of 300 spoken words for each one are 87%, 97.6% in
neutral environment and 77.67%, 92.67% when the white Gaussian
noisy was added with a SNR of 35 dB.



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