Published March 30, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open



When learning to read, expanding a student's vocabulary is fundamental and involves more than simply mastering a list of words with which students will be familiar. The ability to use vocabulary is much more important: in communication, learning, and knowledge of the world around us. When considering the motives for teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to note the fact that they are interconnected with the student’s surrounding social environment, which to a certain extent has a positive or inactive influence on their occurrence and formation. Therefore, we believe that a change in the status of a foreign language in the country and an unfavorable political situation complicate the formation of positive motives with the vocabulary of language learning. The importance of knowing the meaning of words and using vocabulary in the reading process can be compared to mastery of music, which allows you to create a complete piece of music, or with paints, with which, when mixed and applied, a painting is created. Numerous studies in the field of teaching reading indicate that vocabulary acquisition in elementary school plays an important role, as it contributes to both text decoding (recognizing words in a text) and the development of reading comprehension skills. On the one hand, students have difficulty reading words they do not understand. On the other hand, they will not understand the meaning of what they read if they do not know the meaning of most of the words in the text. The practice of teaching reading shows that if students significantly expand their understanding of key words in the text they are reading, then fluency and understanding of the text read as a whole increase.



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