Published September 6, 2013 | Version 17051
Journal article Open

Target Tracking by Flying Drone with Fixed Camera


This paper presents the software conception of a quadrotor UAV, named SKYWATCHER, which is able to follow a target. This capacity can at a long turn time permit to follow another drone and combine their performance in order to military missions for example.

From a low-cost architecture constructed by five students we implemented a software and added a camera to create a visual servoing. This project demonstrates the possibility to associate the technology of stabilization and the technology of visual enslavement.



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  • Thesis of Celine Teuliere. « Approches deterministes et bayesiennes pour un suivi robuste: application a l'asservissement visuel d'un drone » soutenu en decembre 2010.
  • Henry de Plinval (ONERA). « Asservissement visuel pour drones helicopteres ».
  • Thesis of Ardabzgiir, «Design of control systems for a quadrotor flight vehicle equipped with inertial sensors» MecatroniqueDepartment, Atilim University.
  • M. Chen, M. Huzmezan, «A combined MBPC/2 DOF Hoo controller for a quadrotor UAV», Universite de la Colombie-Britannique Vancouver.
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  • Sharp C S, Shakenia O, Sastry S. A vision system for landing an unmanned aerial vehicle: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Seoul, Korea, 2001.
  • Jeffrey St. Clair, "Flying Blind. The Problem with the Predator," Counterpunch (October 30, 2001).
  • OcéaneZubeldia, « L'armée française et l'utilisation des drones dans les missions de reconnaissance, de 1960 au conflit du Kosovo », Revue historique des armées, 261 | 2010, (En ligne), mis en ligne le 10 novembre 2010.