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Published May 21, 2009 | Version 15457
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Finding Fuzzy Association Rules Using FWFP-Growth with Linguistic Supports and Confidences


In data mining, the association rules are used to search for the relations of items of the transactions database. Following the data is collected and stored, it can find rules of value through association rules, and assist manager to proceed marketing strategy and plan market framework. In this paper, we attempt fuzzy partition methods and decide membership function of quantitative values of each transaction item. Also, by managers we can reflect the importance of items as linguistic terms, which are transformed as fuzzy sets of weights. Next, fuzzy weighted frequent pattern growth (FWFP-Growth) is used to complete the process of data mining. The method above is expected to improve Apriori algorithm for its better efficiency of the whole association rules. An example is given to clearly illustrate the proposed approach.



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