Multiple evidence reveals two new species and new distributions of Calocybe species (Lyophyllaceae) from northeastern China
- 1. Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
- 2. Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, China|Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China
- 3. Forestry Resources Protection Institute, Jilin Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences, Changchun, China
- 4. Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, China
- 5. Institute of Agricultural Applied Microbiology, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanchang, China
The Calocybe species possess notable economic and medicinal value, demonstrating substantial potential for resource utilization. The taxonomic studies of Calocybe are lacking in quality and depth. Based on the specimens collected from northeast China, this study provides a detailed description of two newly discovered species, namely Calocybe betulicola and Calocybe cystidiosa, as well as two commonly found species, Calocybe decolorata and Calocybe ionides. Additionally, a previously unrecorded species, C. decolorata, has recently been discovered in Jilin Province, China. The two newly discovered species can be accurately distinguished from other species within the genus Calocybe based on their distinct morphological characteristics. The primary distinguishing features of C. betulicola include its grayish-purple pileus, grayish-brown to dark purple stipe, smaller basidiomata, absence of cellular pileipellis, and its habitat on leaf litter within birch forests. Calocybe cystidiosa is distinguished by its growth on the leaf litter of coniferous forests, a flesh-pink pileus, a fibrous stipe with a white tomentose covering at the base, non-cellular pileipellis, larger basidiospores, and the presence of cheilocystidia. The reconstruction of phylogenetic trees using combined ITS, nLSU, and tef1-α sequences, employing maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses, showed that C. betulicola formed a cluster with C. decurrens, while C. cystidiosa clustered with C. vinacea. However, these two clusters formed separate branches themselves, which also supported the results obtained from our morphological studies. A key to the Calocybe species reported from northeast China is provided to facilitate future studies of the genus.
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