Published September 23, 2012
| Version 13585
Journal article
Numerical Simulation of Convective Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow through Porous Media with Different Moving and Heated Walls
The present study is concerned with the free
convective two dimensional flow and heat transfer, within the
framework of Boussinesq approximation, in anisotropic fluid filled
porous rectangular enclosure subjected to end-to-end temperature
difference have been investigated using Lattice Boltzmann method
fornon-Darcy flow model. Effects of the moving lid direction (top,
bottom, left, and right wall moving in the negative and positive x&ydirections),
number of moving walls (one or two opposite walls), the
sliding wall velocity, and four different constant temperatures
opposite walls cases (two surfaces are being insulated and the
twoother surfaces areimposed to be at constant hot and cold
temperature)have been conducted. The results obtained are discussed
in terms of the Nusselt number, vectors, contours, and isotherms.
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