Published October 29, 2012 | Version 6209
Journal article Open

Comparisons of Antioxidant Activity and Bioactive Compounds of Dragon Fruit Peel from Various Drying Methods


The peel of dragon fruit is a byproduct left over after consuming. Normally, the use of plants as antioxidant source must be dried before further process. Therefore, the aim of this study is interesting to dry the peel by heat pump dryer (45 ºC) and fluidized bed dryer (110 º C) compared with the sun drying method. The sample with initial moisture content of about 85-91% wet basis was dried down to about 10% wet basis where it took 620 and 25 min for heat pump dryer and fluidized bed dryer, respectively. However, the sun drying took about 900 min to dry the peel. After that, sample was evaluated antioxidant activity, -carotene and betalains contents. The results found that the antioxidant activity and betalains contents of dried peel obtained from heat pump and fluidized bed dryings were significantly higher than that sun drying (p 0.05). Moreover, the drying by heat pump provided the highest -carotene content.



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