Published August 21, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Frame Aggregation in Central Controlled 802.11 WLANs: the Latency vs. Throughput Trade-off

  • 1. University of Zaragoza
  • 2. TNO


Frame aggregation is widely used in 802.11 WLANs in order to provide a significant throughput improvement. However, the latency increase that comes as a counterpart can reduce the quality experienced by the users of applications with real-time constraints. This letter explores the throughput vs. latency trade-off in the context of central controlled solutions (e.g. SDWN-based). First, a scenario with a single Access Point is used to illustrate the problem, and to propose two possible solutions. Then, a centralized algorithm that dynamically (de)activates aggregation is tested in a scenario with a number of APs. The results show that aggregation parameters can be tuned in order to keep latency in low levels, with a low throughput penalty.


This work has been partially financed by the EU H2020 Wi-5 (Grant Agreement no: 644262), TISFIBE (TIN2015-64770-R) Government of Spain, European Social Fund and Government of Aragon (research group T98).


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European Commission
Wi-5 – What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West 644262