Published October 23, 2017 | Version v1
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Openstack Cloud application catalog

  • 1. CERN openlab summer student
  • 2. CERN


Cloud computing has transformed IT operations throughout many industries and organizations, enabling agile self-service models that allow users to get configurable resources in minutes or seconds. CERN has implemented an Openstack cloud that is used by physicists to analyze data from experiments and by other CERN staff to implement various services. The Openstack Murano project provides a cloud application catalog, which is an opportunity to  give users of the CERN cloud the option to quickly deploy standardized application environments in a self-service model. Openstack Murano was successfully deployed in CERN’s cloud, creating the necessary configuration management modules and adapting its code to work in CERN’s Openstack production environment. The application catalog is available internally, providing several databases and application servers that can be deployed in minutes with just a few clicks. More applications can be added in the future to the application catalog, with the potential to serve different use cases for the cloud at CERN.



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