Published October 6, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Hirstionyssus isabellinus


Hirstionyssus isabellinus (Oudemans, 1913)

Liponyssus isabellinus Oudemans, 1913: 384.

Records in Baltic States: Estonia (Daiter 1961b; Daiter & Kuzhilnij 1961), Latvia (Lapina 1959; 1988; Grinbergs 1960; 1961a; 1961b; 1961d; 1964; Andersone 1963; Arzamasov 1968; Berinya & Lapina 1986; Salmane 2001), Lithuania (Likevičienė 1957; Podėnaitė 1960 1979; Jezerskienė 1974; Kadytė & Jezerskienė 1986; Arnastauskienė et al. 1989; Kitrytė et al. 2022; current study).

Hosts: N. fodiens (LV, LT), S. araneus (LV, LT), A. agrarius (EE, LV, LT), A. flavicollis (EE, LV, LT), M. minutus (EE, LT), M. musculus (LV), R. norvegicus (LV), R. rattus (LV), A. oeconomus (LT), A. amphibius (EE, LV, LT), C. glareolus (EE, LV, LT), M. agrestis (LV, LT), M. arvalis (EE, LV, LT).

Host specificity: generalist parasite (S


= 0.46).

European distribution: Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom (Bregetova 1956; Pirjanik 1962; Evans & Till 1966; Edler 1969; 1972; Shcherbak & Dudarenko 1970; Mahnert 1971a; Mehl 1979; Haitlinger 1980; 2011; 2015; Bengtson et al. 1986; Ambros 1987; Schmölzer & Neudorf 1995; Chikilevskaya et al. 1998; Beron 2007; Mašán & Fenďa 2010; Várfalvyová et al. 2011; Huhta 2015; Maaz et al. 2018).


Published as part of Kitrytė, Neringa & Baltrūnaitė, Laima, 2023, Ectoparasitic mites, ticks (Acari: Trombidiformes, Mesostigmata, Ixodida) and insects (Insecta: Psocodea, Siphonaptera) of ground-dwelling small mammals in the Baltic States. An annotated checklist, pp. 1-46 in Zootaxa 5353 (1) on page 10, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5353.1.1,


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  • Oudemans, A. C. (1913) Acarologische Aanteekeningen XLVIII. Entomologische Berichten, 3, 384 - 387.
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  • Daiter, A. B. & Kuzhilnij, A. A. (1961) Notes on Gamasoidea of the water rat on some isles of the Estonian S. S. R. Faunistilisi Markmeid, 1 (2), 122 - 125. [in Russian]
  • Lapina, I. M. (1959) Study of ectoparasites of small forest mammals in the Latvian SSR. Fauna Latviskoi SSR, 2, 289 - 322. [in Russian]
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  • Kadyte, B. & Jezerskiene, E. (1986) Gamasid mites of rodents of the Lithuanian SSR. In: X Scientific - Coordination Conference on the Problems of Parasitology in the Baltic States. Riga, pp. 137. [in Russian]
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  • Kitryte, N., Krizanauskiene, A. & Baltrunaite, L. (2022) Ecological indices and factors influencing communities of ectoparasitic laelapid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata, Laelapidae) of small mammals in Lithuania. Journal of Vector Ecology, 47 (1), 99 - 108. https: // doi. org / 10.52707 / 1081 - 1710 - 47.1.99
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