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Published August 19, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Cryosphere Inland Water Greenhouse Gases Database (CIWD-GHG)

  • 1. Sichuan University


This is a database called Cryosphere Inland Water Greenhouse Gases Database (CIWD-GHG), which provides spatial-temporally resolved greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O) data from cryosphere inland waters (lakes, ponds, reservoirs, rivers, and streams). The dataset was created through a synthesis procedure.

To compile the dataset, we conducted searches in various sources including peer-reviewed papers, dissertations, theses, and public data repositories. The searches were conducted using platforms such as Web of Science, Google Scholar, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Arctic Data Center, Zenodo, Environmental Data Initiative, and PANGAEA. The search string is: (methane OR CH4 OR carbon dioxide OR CO2 OR nitrous oxide OR N2O OR greenhouse*) AND (river OR stream OR lake OR pond OR reservoir) AND (Arctic* OR Tibet* OR Greenland OR Antarctic OR glacier* OR permafrost). We ensured completeness by conducting multiple searches before April 2023.

We applied a consistent criterion for screening and selecting the searched results. Specifically, we included data on greenhouse gas concentrations or fluxes measured in inland water systems such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and reservoirs that are associated with permafrost or glaciers. The study focused on the cryosphere extent, excluding sites outside this extent. Wetland ecosystems and inland waters in cold regions without glaciers or permafrost were also excluded. Additionally, floodplain lakes connected with river channels were excluded, except for those barely connected with high-closure river channels, which were included as lake sites. Gas concentration data in permanently ice-covered water bodies were not included. We also collected auxiliary data on waterbody physical and chemical characteristics, climate, and land cover to the extent possible.

The dataset was divided into two separate files: CryoLake.xlsx and CryoRiver.xlsx. CryoLake.xlsx contained data on lakes, ponds, and reservoirs, while CryoRiver.xlsx contained data on rivers and streams. Each file consisted of four sub-tables: source table (data sources), sites table (sites information), concentration table (concentration data), and flux table (flux data). All sub-tables were linked using unique source IDs, and the sites, concentration, and flux tables were further linked using unique site IDs. The temporal resolution varied, with daily data being the shortest resolution. Sub-daily measurements were averaged to daily data, and data reported in monthly, seasonal, and annual scales were also included. Considering the difficulty in obtaining cryosphere-related GHG data, we included all available data. The spatial resolution primarily focused on the plot scale, although aggregated sites were also included. Detailed spatiotemporal information of the measured data was recorded in the data table for further analysis. Due to regional heterogeneity, we did not have a uniform standard for dividing seasons. Instead, seasons were assigned based on the site descriptions provided in each study.


The paper under this dataset has been submitted to a journal. Correspondence: Chunlin Song (



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