Published August 9, 2023 | Version 1
Journal article Restricted

The global in-stream water age

  • 1. Tianjin University


The in-stream water age datasets correspond to the recent high-quality global river hydrography dataset named GRADES [Lin. et al. 2019] by sharing "COMID". The shapefiles are publically assessible (link: ''   and  '').

The water age datasets cover 8 continents/sub-continents, where the number represents the level 1 Pfafstetter code from HydroSHEDS/HydroBASINS: 1: Africa, 2: Europe, 3: North Asia, 4: South Asia, 5: Oceania and South Asian Islands, 6: South America, 7: North America, 8: Arctic Region.

The first colum is COMID inherited from GRADES, the second column ('Age_nat') is the water age in natural status, and the third column ('Age_dam') is the water age in dammed status, all water ages are in unit of days.



Lin, P. et al., 2019. Global Reconstruction of Naturalized River Flows at 2.94 Million Reaches. Water Resources Research 55(8), 6499-6516.



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