Published June 17, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

FESOM-REcoM model data: Lagrangian particle trajectories



This data set includes the results of Lagrangian particle tracking experiments with FESOM1.4-REcoM2. Particles were seeded at 596 positions near the Filchner Ice Shelf front at 78°S between Berkner Island and Coats Land and tracked forwards and backwards using daily mean model output. Particles were seeded every 10th day in 1990 and 1991 (historical, forward), 2009 and 2008 (historical, backward), 2080 and 2081 (future/SSP5-8.5 scenario, forward), and 2099 and 2098 (future/SSP5-8.5 scenario, backward). Particles were tracked outside of ice-shelf cavities for 20 (19) years or until the the particle left the domain of interest in the north (62°S), west (65°W), or east (2°E). 

The following information for each particle is stored twice a day: longitude (blon in files), latitude (blat), time (bday and time), depth (bdepth), temperature (btemp), salinity (bsalt), density (bsigma0; potential density anomaly referenced to 0dbar) dissolved inorganic carbon (bdic), and total carbon (btotc).

Each *tar.gz archive contains one experiment, i.e., all trajectories for e.g., forward/1990-2009 (seeding days 1,11,...,361 in 1990). For each seeding day, there are 12 *nc files, which together constitute the 596 particles seeded on a given day.


Naming convention / *tar.gz files: 


EXPERIMENT: bw (backward) or fw (forward)

START_END_YEAR: 2009_1990, 2008_1990, 2098_2080, or 2099_2080 for backward experiments; 1990_2009, 1990_2008, 2080_2099, or 2081_2099 for forward experiments

(EXAMPLE: Nissen2023_FESOM1.4_REcoM2_Trajectories_FT_fw_1990_2009.tar.gz)

Naming convention / *nc files:

SEEDING_DAY: 1, 11, ..., 361

START_END_YEAR: same as above

NUM_FILE: 1, ..., 12



NOTE:  The following files are duplicates and also contained in the larger *tar archives described above (disregard them if all tar archives starting with "Nissen2023_FESOM1.4_REcoM2_Trajectories_FT_" have been downloaded):




The Lagrangian particle trajectories have been analyzed here: 

Nissen, C., Timmermann, R., van Caspel, M., and Wekerle, C.: Altered Weddell Sea warm- and dense-water pathways in response to 21st-century climate change, Ocean Sci., 20, 85–101,, 2024

The Eulerian fields underlying the Lagrangian experiments are described in more detail here: 

Nissen, C., Timmermann, R., Hoppema, M. et al. Abruptly attenuated carbon sequestration with Weddell Sea dense waters by 2100. Nat Commun 13, 3402 (2022). 

Nissen, C., R. Timmermann, M. Hoppema, and J. Hauck, 2023: A regime shift on Weddell Sea continental shelves with local and remote physical-biogeochemical implications is avoidable in a 2°C scenario. J. Climate, 36, 6613–6630,

Original model output is available at the World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) under the following DOIs:


Additional details


COMFORT – Our common future ocean in the Earth system – quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping points 820989
European Commission