Humans flexibly use visual priors to optimize their haptic exploratory behaviour
datasets of the first, second and third experiment
for each subject, there is one .raw file and one folder containing the .trj movement data files of each trial.
the .trj files contain the variables (columns left to right): time in ms, x, y, z, force, velocity, position (-1 not on stim, 0 left, 1 right), inStimPos (-1 not, 0 outerstim, 1 innerstim)
the .raw files contain the variables (columns left to right): block nr, trial nr, randomization nr, stimulus orientation, visual quality, startstim (0 left 1 right), ref stim, comp stim (always < ref), chosenStim, force. in exp2&3, ref stim and comp stim have the numbers 1xx for the "hard" block and 2xx for the "easy" block.