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Published December 15, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Bailiella tenuicincta

  • 1. Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, 69120 Heidelberg (Germany) and Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44801 Bochum (Germany)
  • 2. Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, 69120 Heidelberg (Germany)


Bailiella tenuicincta (Linnarsson, 1879)

(Fig. 9)

Conocoryphe tenuicincta Linnarsson, 1879: 18, 19, pl. 2, figs 23-25.

Bailiella tenuicincta – Westergård 1950: 26, 27, pl. 5, figs 6a-d, 7a, b, 8a, b, 9 (?). — Hutchinson 1962: 105, 106, pl. 15, figs. 3, 4a- d. — Rudolph 1990: 19, text-fig. 4; 1994: 192, 193, pl. 23, fig. 3 (?). — Weidner & Nielsen 2014: 74, fig. 43B.

Bailiella aff. B. tenuicincta – Martin & Dean 1988: 19, pl. 2, figs 7, 12.

Bailiella cf. tenuicincta – Chirivella Martorell et al. 2015: 177, figs 4A-I; p. 179, figs 5A, B.

LECTOTYPE. — Specimen no. SGU 4524, Swedish Geological Survey (Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning), Uppsala, Sweden, originally figured in Linnarsson (1879) and designated as lectotype by Westergård (1950). From the Exsulans Limestone Bed, Tomagnostus gibbus Zone, Gislöv, on the shore 1 km south of Brantevik, Scania, Sweden.

DIAGNOSIS. — Anterior margin narrow; glabella with three pairs of shallow to faint furrows; occipital ring with node; dense fine granulose ornamentation with scattered small granules (based on Linnarsson 1879, with modifications).

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Four cranidia of Bailiella tenuicincta (NFM F-2972; NFM F-3168; NFM F-3169; NFM F-3200). All specimens range between 8.52 and 16.67 m (Fig. 2) of the Manuels River Formation, type locality, Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada.

OCCURRENCE. — Bailiella tenuicincta is a rare middle Cambrian taxon, documented from southeastern Canada, eastern Newfoundland, in the Paradoxides hicksi and Paradoxides davidis Zones (Hutchinson 1962; Martin & Dean 1988). The taxon also occurs in Sweden (Ptychagnostus (Triplagn.) gibbus Zone; Westergård 1950, 1953), Bornholm in Denmark, (Ptychagnostus (Triplagn.) gibbus Zone; Westergård 1950; Agnostus atavus Zone; Weidner & Nielsen, 2014) and Spain (upper Badulesia tenera to lower Badulesia granieri zones; Chirivella Martorell et al. 2015).


The cranidia range from 7.0 mm to 34.0 mm in width and 4.4 mm to 18.0 mm in length, while the glabella varies from 2.5 to 10.0 mm in width and 2.8 to 10.5 mm in length. All specimens are well to very well-preserved internal casts. One specimen (NFM F-2972) has two to three pairs of faint glabellar furrows. Posterior pair is aligned towards the occipital ring.


The species is closely related to B. aequalis as discussed above. According to Weidner & Nielsen (2014) the stratigraphic range of B. tenuicincta is similar to that of Bailiella impressa (Linnarsson, 1879), from which it differs in having an evenly convex cranidium and shallow axial and border furrows. Westergård (1950) figured three cranidia and one pygidium. Granulation of the pygidium (Westergård 1950: pl. 5, fig. 9) corresponds to that of the cranidia and is therefore assigned to the species, but this assignment is here considered questionable. A cranidium illustrated by Rudolph (1990: 19, text-fig. 4) may correspond to B. tenuicincta, but the resolution of the image is too low to evaluate the assignment and is therefore questionable.


Published as part of Unger, Tanja, Hildenbrand, Anne, Stinnesbeck, Wolfgang & Austermann, Gregor, 2022, Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of polymerid trilobites of the Manuels River Formation (Drumian, middle Cambrian), Newfoundland, Canada, pp. 1051-1087 in Geodiversitas 44 (33) on pages 1064-1065, DOI: 10.5252/geodiversitas2022v44a33,


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Collection code
Material sample ID
SGU 4524
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Type status
Taxonomic concept label
Bailiella tenuicincta (Linnarsson, 1879) sec. Unger, Hildenbrand, Stinnesbeck & Austermann, 2022


  • LINNARSSON G. 1879. - Om faunan i kalken med Conocoryphe exsulans (" Coronatuskalken "). Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, Ser. C 35: 1 - 31.
  • WESTERGARD A. H. 1950. - Non-agnostidean trilobites of the Middle Cambrian of Sweden 2. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, Ser. C 511 (9): 1 - 32.
  • HUTCHINSON R. D. 1962. - Cambrian stratigraphy and trilobite faunas of southeastern Newfoundland. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 88 (1): 1 - 156. https: // doi. org / 10.4095 / 123902
  • RUDOLPH F. 1990. - Bestimmungshilfen fur Geschiebesammler, 8. Trilobiten der Familie Conocoryphidae aus dem Exulans-Kalk. Geschiebekunde Aktuell 6 (1): 17 - 19.
  • WEIDNER T. & NIELSEN A. T. 2014. - A highly diverse trilobite fauna with Avalonian affinities from the middle Cambrian Acidusus atavus Zone (Drumian Stage) of Bornholm, Denmark. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 12 (1): 23 - 92. https: // doi. org / 10.10 80 / 14772019.2012.740080
  • MARTIN F. & DEAN W. T. 1988. - Middle and upper Cambrian acritarch and trilobite zonation at Manuels River and Random Island, eastern Newfoundland. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 381 (1): 1 - 91.
  • CHIRIVELLA MARTORELL J. B., LINAN E., AHLBERG P. & GOZALO R. 2015. - A blind trilobite with Baltic affinities from Cambrian Series 3 of the Iberian Chains, Spain, and its stratigraphical and paleobiogeographical significance. GFF 137 (3): 175 - 180. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 11035897.2015.1061593
  • WESTERGARD A. H. 1953. - Non-agnostidean trilobites of the Middle Cambrian of Sweden 3. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, Ser. C 526 (2): 1 - 59.