Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



? Bairdoppilata sp. 2 aff. ? B. labiata (Müller, 1908)

(Figs. 4, 8.D, K, S, 11–14)

Material. 6 live specimen, 58 valves. 2 A F (SNB 0385­6), 2 (A­1), 2 (A­2), 31 RV, 27 LV, ANDEEP III # 133–2–E, 1581 to 1582 m, ZMH K­ 41359.

Measurements (Fig. 4). LV, A L 1.73–1.86mm, H 0.94–1.10mm; (A­1) L 1.40–1.50mm, H 0.76–0.86mm; (A­2) L 1.03–1.14mm, H 0.59–0.68mm.

Distribution. NW Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean (Atlantic Sector), 1581 to 1582 m.

Legend: ? Bairdoppilata. labiata (Müller, 1908): A, F, J, M, A M (lectotype, ZMB 13069, SNB 0683); C, T, A F (paralectotype, ZMB 13069, Müller’s number 1680); G, R, A F (paralectotype, ZMB 13069, SNB 0682); N, A M (paralectotype, ZMB 13069, Müller’s number 1672); O, A M (paralectotype, ZMB 13069, Müller’s number 1674). ?B. sp. 1 aff. ? B. labiata: B, H, L, P, Q, A M (USNM 121348); E, I, A F (USNM 121347). ?B. sp. 2 aff. ? B. labiata: D, K, S, A F ((ZMH K­41359, SNB 0386). A–E, podomeres V (distal part) and VI of AII; F–I, strahlen of ApV; J–L, strahlen of MxI; M–Q, distal element of hemipenis; R–T, genital lobe. Scale bars: A–Q, 50µm; R–T, 100µm.

Remarks. The species collected from the ANDEEP station #133 is very similar to ? B. labiata, but the former species presents a punctuated valve surface (adults and juveniles (A­1), instead of smooth as the specimens from the Gausstation. Other differences were also found on soft parts: (1) podomere VI of antenna II – the ANDEEP females present 2 short setae plus one fused, and 2 large claws, while Gausstation females present just 1 seta plus one fused, and 2 large claws (no males were collected in the ANDEEP station); (2) vibratory plate of maxilla I presents 27 feathered setae plus 6 strahlen in the ANDEEP specimens, instead of 25 feathered setae plus 6 strahlen as in the specimens from the Gausstation. Since environmental differences (salinity, temperature…) might influence the calcification process in ostracods (Keyser pers. comm.), which could be the cause of the differences in ornamentation observed between ? B. labiata and? B. sp. 2 aff. ? B. labiata, I prefer not to name this new species, until more specimens are available.

Since only females with soft parts and few other adult valves are available, it is not possible to evaluate sexual dimorphism.


Published as part of Brandão, Simone N., 2008, New species of Bairdioidea (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the Southern Ocean and discussions on Bairdoppilata simplex (Brady, 1880),? Bairdoppilata labiata (Müller, 1908) and Bythopussella aculeata (Müller, 1908) *, pp. 373-452 in Zootaxa 1866 on pages 388-390, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.183820


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  • Muller, G. W. (1908) Die Ostracoden der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition, 10 (Zool. 2), 51 - 181.