Published December 31, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Andrena (Leucandrena) barbilabris Kirby


1. Andrena (Leucandrena) barbilabris (Kirby)

Apis sericea Christ, 1791 [nec Apis sericea Forster, 1771], Naturg. Insect., 190 [female, Germany].

Melitta barbilabris Kirby, 1802, Monogr. Apum. Angl., 2: 151–152 [male, England].

Andrena (Leucandrena) barbilabris: Hedicke, 1933, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 19: 216; Warncke, 1968, Mem. Est. Zool. Mus. Univ. Coimbra, (307): 94; Osytshnjuk, 1977, Faun. Ukraini, 12(5): 264; LaBerge, 1987, Trans. Amer. ent. Soc., 112: 194–197 [north America]; Osytshnjuk, 1995, Key Insects Russian Far East, Vol. IV, Part 1, 509, 525 [female & male, in key]; Gusenleitner and Schwarz, 2002, Entomofauna, 12(suppl.): 113–115 [remarks].

Andrena sericea var. malaisei Alfken, 1929, Arikiv Zoologi, 20A, 16: 5 [female & male, Kamchatka); Yasumatsu, 1941, Peking nat. Hist. Bull, 15: 280 [in list].

Andrena (Euandrena) taisetsusana Tadauchi et Hirashima, 1987, Esakia, (25): 133–135 [female & male, Japan]; Tadauchi, 1988, Check List Jap. Insects, 683 [in list]; Gusenleitner and Schwarz, 2002, Entomofauna, 12(Suppl.): 742–743. New synonymy

Andrena (Andrena) dolharubang Tadauchi et Xu, 1997. Esakia, (37): 189–190 [female, Korea]; Gusenleitner and Schwarz, 2002, Entomofauna, 12(Suppl.): 231. New synonymy

Female (description based on Chinese specimens): BL 10–11 mm, WL 7.8–8.2 mm (n= 7).

Color: Flagellum reddish brown beneath; mandible with apical third or less reddened; wing membranes subhyaline, veins and pterostigma reddish yellow; tibial spurs yellowish; posterior depressions of metasomal terga dark reddish brown.

Pubescence: Hairs on head sparse, dull white; those on clypeus scanty, only apical margin with hairs 180 µ; those on antennal area slightly dense; those on vertex 500 µ; those on genal area 300–500 µ; facial fovea whitish. Hairs on thorax dense except scutellum scanty, dull white; those on mesoscutum 300–500 µ; those on mesepisternum 600 µ, whitish; propodeal corbicula developed with complete anterior fringes, internal area with simple hairs; trochanteral floccus perfect, white; femoral floccus dense; tibial scopal hairs long, simple, whitish. Hairs on metasomal terga sparse; those on tergum 1 whitish; those on terga 2–4 short and rather sparse; terga 2–4 with broadly interrupted white hair bands (not distinct in holotype); caudal fimbria whitish with apex brown; sterna 2–5 with short, complete white subapical fimbriae.

Structure: Head: HL/HW = 0.80. HW: MsW: MtW = 3.0: 3.2: 3.4. Vertex densely tessellate. OOD: POD: OCD = 0.6: 0.5: 0.2. F1 = F2+3, F2 = F3 which are broader than long. Eyes with inner margins paralleled. Facial fovea extending below a line at lower margins of antennal fossae, separated from inner margin of eye by very narrow smooth space, FVL = 1.2 mm, FVW = 0.34 mm. Face above antennal fossae dull shagreening with longitudinal rugulae. Facial quadrangle slightly broader than long (about 2.1: 2.0). Clypeus weakly convex, with not obvious median longitudinal ridge, surface dulled by fine tessellation with PPø20 µ, IS <0.5, larger and irregular PP near median ridge. CPL = 1.0 mm. Process of labrum strapped-like shape (i.e., longer than broad, becoming narrow and round apically). Lower paraocular area weakly tessellate with crowded minute PP. Malar space linear. Genal area broader than eye, GW: EW = 0.8: 0.7, surface densely tessellate posteriorly, feebly shiny with minute PP near eye. Mesosoma: Pronotum with weak humeral angle, surface densely tessellate. Mesoscutum strongly tessellate at basal half, dull shagreening, finely tessellate posteriorly with minute PP, IS = 1–2. Scutellum densely tessellate posteriorly, weakly tessellate anteriorly with PP more evident. Propodeal enclosure narrow, densely tessellate with weak and short rugulae basally; dorsal face roughened by reticular tessellation. Mesepisternum dull shagreened. Vein 1st m-cu meeting second submarginal cell at middle of cell. Metasoma: Metasomal terga finely tessellate, narrowly shiny with weak, scattered minute PP; posterior depressions of terga not well indicated; pygidial plate large, U-shaped with distinct raised triangular area. Sterna 2–5 finely tessellate with close PP, narrowly impunctate basally.

Specimens examined: Holotype female of Andrena sericea malaisei Alfken [Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Sweden], Kamtschatka, Malaise. Holotype female of Andrena taisetsusana Tadauchi et Hirashima [Type No. 2585, Kyushu Univ.], Tokachimitsumata, Mts. Taisetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, 29. v. 1984 (O. Tadauchi). Other material: China: Jiangsu Province: 3 females, Heou-tchoang, 24–30. iv. 1935 (O. Bviese). Shanghai: 1 female, 13. iv. 1955 (K–r. Huang). Heilongjiang Province: 2 females, Jingpo lake, Mudanjiang, 23. v. 1993 (O. Tadauchi). Jilin Province: 1 female, Kaiyuan, 31. v. 1936 (R. Kimishima); 3 females, Changbaishan, 1 vi. 1993 (O. Tadauchi). Liaoning Province: 1 female, Xiongyue, 22. v. 1962 (T–r. Chen). Hebei Province: 1 female, Changli, 27. iv. 1962 (T–r. Chen). Mongolia: Central aimak: 3 females, Songino, 1300 m, 7. vi. 1966 (Z. Kaszab).

Remarks: This Holarctic species is easily recognized by the strap-shaped labral process and the weak pronotal humeral angle in the female. East Asian barbilabris differ slightly from European specimens by the clypeus occasionally more tessellated and the dorsum of thorax with paler hairs.

Distribution: China (new record, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Jiangsu, Shanghai Provs.); Mongolia (new record, central Aimak); Japan (Hokkaido, north Honshu) [see Tadauchi et Hirashima, 1987]; South Korea [Tadauchi et Xu, 1997]; Europe; North America [LaBerge, 1986].

Floral associations: China: Prunus spp, Taraxacum sp.


Published as part of Xu, Huanli & Tadauchi, Osamu, 2009, A revision of the subgenus Leucandrena of the genus Andrena of eastern Asia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Andrenidae), pp. 36-46 in Zootaxa 2145 on pages 38-39, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.188635


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  • Christ, J. L. (1791) Naturgeschichte, Klassification und Nomenclatur der Insekten vom Bienen, Wespen und Ameisengeschlecht. Frankfurt, Main, Herrmann, 535 pp.
  • Kirby, W. (1802) Monographia Apum Angliae. II. Ipswich, 388 pp.
  • Hedicke, H. (1933) Beitrage zur Systematic der Gattung Andrena F. (Hym. Apid.). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoolog Museum in Berlin, 19, 199 - 220.
  • Warncke, K. (1968) Die Untergattungen der westpalaarktischen Bienen - gattung Andrena F. Memorias e Estudos do Museu Zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra, (307), 1 - 111.
  • Osytshnjuk, A. Z. (1977) Bees - Andrenidae. Fauna Ukraini, 12 (5), 1 - 328. (in Ukrainian)
  • LaBerge, W. E. (1987) A revision of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part XII. Subgenera Leucandrena, Ptilandrena, Scoliandrena and Melandrena. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 112, 191 - 248.
  • Osytshnjuk, A. Z. (1995) Andrena. In Lehr, P. A. (ed.) Key to the Insects of Russian Far East in six volumes. vol. 4, Neuropteroidea, Mecoptera, Hymenoptera, Part 1. St. Petersburg, Nauka, pp. 489 - 527.
  • Gusenleitner, F. and Schwarz, M. (2002) Weltweite Checkliste der Bienengattung Andrena mit Bemerkungen und Erganzungen zu palaarktischen Arten (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Andreninae, Andrena). Entomofauna, 12 (Supplement), 1 - 1280.
  • Alfken, J. D. (1929) Entomologische Ergebnisse der schwedischen Kamtschatka-Expedition 1920 - 1922. 21. Apidae, excl. genus Bombus. Arkiv for Zoologi, 20 A (16), 1 - 8.
  • Tadauchi, O. & Hirashima, Y. (1987) Descriptions of two new species and one unrecorded female of the genus Andrena from Japan (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae). Esakia, (25), 133 - 139.
  • Tadauchi, O. (1988) Andrenidae. In Hirashima, Y. (ed), A Check List of the Japanese Insects. Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Press, Fukuoka, pp. 682 - 685.