Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Tubpontania crassispina Thomson 1871, comb. nov.



Tubpontania crassispina (Thomson, 1871), comb. nov.

Figs 3, 12.

Nematus crassispina Thomson, 1871: 164.

Notes on original descriptions and type material. Thomson (1871) described the female sex of the species from Jämtland, Sweden. Lindqvist (1954: 161) studied three females from Norway in coll. C. G. Thomson. He regarded P. crassispina as a distinct, high Nordic species and gave some of its characters. Zinovjev & Vikberg (1999: 295) designated a lectotype (ZML) from Jämtland and keyed and described the species. The lectotype was not studied again.

Further description. Female. Lancet: radix with a group of 10 pores and 4 isolated pores; lamnium with 21 segments, apically slightly curved, annulus 2 with some 17 ctenidial spines, ctenidial spines on annuli 2–5 long and reaching aulax. Tooth 11 from base (Fig. 12) with numerous small serrulae, with basal third distinctly elevated, postcalcar rounded, cypsella long, not emarginated.

Measurements of a large female of Tubpontania crassispina from Kilpisjärvi. Body 4.2. Fore wing 4.3, costa 2.4. Head width 1.10, head height 0.80, head length 0.64. Malar space 0.09. Intertorular distance 0.13. Compound eye 0.50 x 0.34. Distance between eyes on frons 0.75, on face 0.72. POL 0.24, OOL 0.22, OD 0.07. Postocellar area 0.15 x 0.40. Flagellomeres 1–7: 0.37 (height 0.12), 0.37, 0.33, 0.28, 0.25, 0.23, 0.28 (height 0.07); total 2.11. Hind femur 1.18, height 0.24. Hind tibia 1.45, apical width 0.18, inner hind spur 0.21, outer spur 0.17. Hind tarsomeres 1–5: 0.50, 0.22, 0.15, 0.09, 0.19; total 1.15. Hind claw 0.13. Ovipositor sheath 1.18. Sawsheath 0.60 x 0.14. Cercus 0.16 x 0.05. Lancet: lamnium 0.92.

Variability. Length of body in females 3.1–4.3 mm. Head width in females 0.88–1.12 mm.

Ovipositor sheath length 0.96–1.18 mm (mean 1.10 mm, n=15). Ovipositor sheath / head width index 1.00–1.15 (mean 1.05, n=15).

Lamnium of lancet / head width: 0.85 / 1.10 = 0.77 (Saana 25.7.1951), 0.92 / 1.10 = 0.84 (Kilpisjärvi 12.7.1962).

The female reared from Salix hastata has 5–6 short hairs on dorsal surface of sawsheath and they cover three quarters of the length of dorsum of sheath. In captured specimens and those reared from Salix glauca, ca. 3 short setae are basad of longer curved subapical setae which are rather few in number.

Male. Unknown. Zinovjev & Vikberg (1999: 296) described one male as belonging to this species but probably this was based on misidentification, as suspected by Kopelke (2007c: 169). This male could not be studied again.

Sex ratio. The studied material from Finland consists of only 17 females. The male is unknown at present.

Host plants. Some females have been reared from leaf-rolls on Salix glauca L. and one female from a leaf-roll on Salix hastata.

Distribution. Finland, Norway, Russia, Sweden.

Material / specimens examined: Finland, EnL (= Enontekiö Lapland): Kilpisjärvi, Kuokimajoki, 1♀ 12.7.1935, leg. W. Hellén (ZMH), labelled Nematus anomalopterus Först. ♀ O. Conde det. 1939. Kilpisjärvi, 1♀ 12.7.1962, 1♀ 30.6.1964, regio alpina 1♀ 8.7.1966, leg. V. J. Karvonen (ZMH); 1♀ 23.6.1964, 1♀ 10.7.1968 regio subalpina, 1♀ 11.7.1968 regio subalpina, leg. V. Vikberg (CVV); 1♀ 3.7.1968, leg. M. Viitasaari (CMV). Kilpisjärvi, Saana, 1♀ 25.7.1951, leg. J. Carpelan (CVV). Kilpisjärvi, Saana, 1♀ ex larva on Salix hastata in 1970, emerged in February 1971, leg. E. O. Peltonen (CVV). Kilpisjärvi, Saana, laki (= dome of the fjell), 2♀ reared from the leaf-roll of Salix glauca no. 8 / 1970, emerged in February, 1971, leg. E. O. Peltonen (CMV, CVV). Kilpisjärvi, Siilasvuoma, 1♀ 17.6.2003, leg. J. Nuorteva (CJN). Saana, Jehkatsch, 1♀ 3.7.1942, leg. W. Hellén (ZMH). Saana, regio alpina, 3♀ ex larvae on Salix glauca no. 105 / 1971, emerged in May-June 1972, leg. J. Kangas (ZMH).

Russia, Murmansk oblast, Yläluostari, 1♀ 3.7.1939, leg. V. J. Karvonen (ZMH), labelled Pontania crassispina Ths. Lindqvist det. 1952.

Sweden, Sarek?, 1♀, leg. B. Poppius (ZMH), labelled Ph. tuberculata J.-P. Kopelke det. 19(87?). Swedish Lapland [234], 1♀ (CVV), originally in Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm.

Dry prepared larvae examined: Finland, EnL: Kilpisjärvi, Saana, regio alpina, 6 larvae (2 of them prepupae) 11.7.1970, from leaf-roll of Salix glauca no. 8 / 1970, leg. E. O. Peltonen (CMV, CVV, ZMH). Pikku-Malla, 1 larva 14.7.1969 on Salix glauca no. 67 / 1969, leg. V. Vikberg (CVV). Saana, 1 larva 21.7.1968 on Salix glauca no. 16 / 68, leg. E. O. Peltonen (ZMH). Saana, regio alpina, 1 larva 11.7.1970, from leaf-roll on Salix hastata no.7 / 1970, leg. E. O. Peltonen (ZMH). Saana, regio alpina (767:325), 1 larva from leaf-roll on Salix glauca no. 24 / 1971, leg. V. Vikberg (CVV). - Possibly also one larva from leaf-edge-roll of Salix lanata from Saana, regio subalpina on 27.7.1971, leg. V. Vikberg (CVV) belongs to this species.


Published as part of Vikberg, Veli, 2010, European species of Tubpontania gen. nov., a new genus for species of the Pontania crassispina group (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae: Nematinae), pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 2620 on pages 12-13, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.204635


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Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
comb. nov.
Taxon rank
Taxonomic concept label
Tubpontania crassispina (Thomson, 1871) sec. Vikberg, 2010


  • Thomson, C. G. (1871) Hymenoptera Scandinaviae vol. 1 - Tenthredo et Sirex Lin. Lundae, H. Olsson, Lundae pp. 1 - 342.
  • Lindqvist, E. (1954) Eine Revision der von Thomson beschriebenen Nematinen (Hym., Tenthredinidae). Opuscula Entomologica, 19, 150 - 164.
  • Zinovjev, A. G. & Vikberg, V. (1999) The sawflies of the Pontania crassispina - group with a key for the genera of the subtribe Euurina (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae, Nematinae). Entomologica scandinavica, 30 (3), 281 - 298.
  • Kopelke, J. - P. (2007 c) The European species of the genus Phyllocolpa, part III: the species-groups of crassispina, scotaspis, and piliserra (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae, Nematinae). Senckenbergiana biologica, 87 (2), 163 - 183.