Published December 31, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Chileana cyanea Jansta & Krizkova, sp. nov.


Chileana cyanea Janšta & Křížková, sp. nov.

Figs 1–9

Material examined. Holotype female labeled CHILE, Pichinahuel, Cord. Nahuelbuta, Arauco, 20.-28.i.1959, L. Peña. 11-1400m (CNC). Paratypes (28 females, 15 males). CHILE, Altes del Lircay NP, 29.XI.2006, streamside YPT, S. A. Marshall (1♀, PJ). CHILE, Pichinahuel, Cord. Nahuelbuta, Arauco, 20.–28.i.1959, L. Peña. 11–1400m (1♀, CNC). CHILE, Pichinahuel, Cord. Nahuelbuta, Arauco, 10.–20.i.1959, L. Peña (1♀, CNC). CHILE, Magallanes, Seno Otway, Rio E. Ganso, 31.XII.1962, T. Cekalovic (3♀♀, 2♂♂, CNC). CHILE, Magallanes, Seno Otway, Rio El Ganso, 1.I.1962, T. Cekalovic (6♀♀, 9♂♂, USNM). CHILE, Magallanes, Seno Slayring, Las Coles, 31.I.1976, T. Cekalovic (1♀, CNC). CHILE, Termas Tolhuaca, Malleco, 15.–20.I.1959, L.E. Peña (2♀, CNC). CHILE, Malleco, Cabreria, 1100m, Cord. Nahuelb., Jan. 77, L. Peña (1♀, CNC). CHILE, Las Trancas, Cord- Chillan, Nov. 21 –30.1964, L.E.Peña (1♀, CNC). CHILE, Punta Arenas, Mar. 15, 1963, galls on leaves Nothofagus antarctica, T. Cekalovic (4♀♀, 4♂♂, USNM). CHILE, Osorno: P.N. Puyehue, Anticura Rd., 250m, 15.II.1988, ex weevil gall on Nothofagus, L. Masner (1♀, USNM). CHILE, Punta Arenas, Feb. 1963, galls on leaves Nothofagus antarctica, T. Cekalovic (3♀♀, USNM). CHILE, 8km down from Termas Chillan, 16.I.1985, I. Gauld (1♀, USNM). CHILE, 5km beyond Termas Hui Fe, 25.I.1985, I. Gauld (1♀, USNM). CHILE, Los Trancas, Andes Range, 20.–25.II.1980 (1♀, USNM).

Etymology. The species name refers to the mostly blue color of the body; cyanea (Greek adjective, latinized, noun) = genitive singular, feminine.

Diagnosis and identification. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly protruding and straight. Scrobes smooth and shiny. Antenna with scape not reaching anterior ocellus; funicle with all segments longer than broad. Frenum smooth and shiny. Propodeum with one carina diverging anteriorly. Fore wing without speculum, covered by brown setae; marginal vein 2.14–2.67× as long as postmarginal vein and 4–5.71× as long as stigmal vein. Hind femur with one long tooth in apical quarter; hind tibial spurs relatively long, the longer spur 0.6–0.7× length of basitarsus. Ovipositor 0.9–1.2× as long as the body.

Description: FEMALE. Holotype. Body length excluding ovipositor 3.6 mm; length of ovipositor 3.2 mm. Head, mesosoma including tegulae, coxae, femora and metasoma blue-violet. Scape and pedicel dark blue with blue-green reflections. Vertex, temples, occiput, fore and mid coxae, fore femur, lateral panels of pronotum, dorsal surface of mesosoma and metasoma with frequent blue-green reflections. Flagellum, tibiae and ovipositor brown. Tarsi and tibial spurs dark yellow. Wings hyaline, wing venation and setae brown (Fig. 1).

Head. 1.28× as broad as high; 1.86× as broad as long; 0.98× as broad as mesonotum at its widest part in dorsal view; HTE:LTE 1.47; HTE:msp 2.75. Temples relatively long, 0.43× LTE. Head alutaceous except scrobes smooth and shiny, and with thin, short, white setae on face, vertex and temples. Clypeus with anterior margin nearly straight, ventral part of clypeus smooth (Figs 2, 3). Mouth 2.25× msp. Antenna with scape 2.82× as long as broad at its widest part, not reaching ventral margin of anterior ocellus; toruli inserted below center of face; relative measurements of segments = 31:13:2.5:12:13:12:12:11:11.5:11:25; pedicel 1.53×, anellus 0.42×, F1 1.09×, F2 1.08×, F3 1.09×, F4 1.14×, F5 1.05×, F6 1.05×, F7 0.92× and clava 2× as long as broad; F1 with one and F2–F7 with two rows of MPS. POL 1.78× OOL, OOL 1.13× OD.

Mesosoma. Mesosoma 1.69× as long as broad. Pronotum in dorsal view 1.55× as broad as long; mesoscutum 1.5× as broad as long. Pronotum, mesonotum and scutellum except for frenal area alutaceous, and covered with thin, short, white setae (Fig. 6). Scutellum 1.22× as broad as long with well delimited frenal area; frenal area smooth and 0.39× as long as entire scutellum. Propodeum mostly smooth and shiny, with one complete median carina diverging anteriorly; surrounded by a row of foveae proximally (Fig. 7). Upper mesepimeron completely smooth and shiny with small fovea centrally. Metapleuron smooth proximally and with long setae distally. Hind leg with coxa relatively long, 2.41× as long as broad and 0.84× as long as femur; femur 4.45× as long as broad with single, distinct, long tooth in distal quarter; tibia 5.75× as long as broad with two relatively long, curved spurs nearly at the apex; the longer spur 1.71× as long as shorter one and 0.63× as long as basitarsus; basitarsus 0.41× as long as tibia. Fore wing 2.5× as long as wide, hyaline, with dense brown setae except basal cell and costal cell with only few setae dorsally; marginal vein 2.33× as long as postmarginal vein and 4.12× as long as stigmal vein; stigmal vein elongate, 3.4× as long as broad at its broadest part; stigmal uncus long, reaching mid-length of stigmal vein; venation pale brown (Fig. 4).

Metasoma. About as long as mesosoma; in lateral view oval, 1.5× as long as high; in dorsal view 0.79× as wide as mesosoma. Petiole short, dorsally transverse. Gaster smooth or at most with very shallow alutaceous sculpture on sides; lateral panels of gastral segments with several white long setae; Gt1–Gt3 medially emarginate; hypopygium reaching to 0.87 length of gaster. Ovipositor 2× as long as metasoma; ovipositor index 3.26.

MALE. Length of body 2.4–3 mm. Similar to female except as follows: head including scape and pedicel, mesosoma including tegulae, coxae, femora and metasoma blue-green but upper face, vertex, temples, occiput, lateral panels of pronotum, dorsal surface of mesosoma and metasoma with occasional green-coppery or coppery reflections. Tarsi brown, tibial spurs dark yellow. Antenna with scape short and very transverse, broadest at middle, 2–2.11× as long as broad (Figs 8, 9); rest of antennal segments in ratio similar to female. Hind coxa shorter, only 2– 2.13× and hind femur only 4–4.18× as long as broad. Metasoma 1–1.08× as long as mesosoma; Gt1–Gt3 only with shallow emargination.

Variation. Some paratypes have slight green-coppery reflections on the vertex and occiput as well as on the lateral and dorsal surfaces of the mesosoma and dorsal surface of the metasoma. All femora and tibiae vary from blue-green to brown and the tarsal segments vary from pale brown to brown. All tibial spurs are at most brownyellow. The length of the body varies from 1.9–4.2 mm and length of the ovipositor from 1.9–4 mm (i.e. OI = 3.26– 3.67). Paratypes vary mostly in the following measurements: head 1.81–2.05× as long as broad, HTE:LTE 1.42– 1.65×, HTE:msp 2.71–3.5×, temples 0.38–0.45× LTE, mouth 2–2.5× msp, scape 2.78–3.20×, pedicel 1–1.63×, F1 1–1.31×, F2 1–1.31×, F3 1–1.23×, F4 1–1.23×, F5 0.9–1.23×, F6 0.9–1.23×, F7 0.92–1.10× and clava 1.71–2.36× as long as broad; POL 1.78–2.25× OOL, OOL 1–1.43× OD; scutellum 1.11–1.47× as long as broad; hind coxa 2.17–2.91×, hind femur 4.35–5.11×, hind tibia 5.44–6.31× as long as broad; longer spur of hind tibia 1.56–2× as long as shorter one; fore wing 2.44–2.92× as long as wide; marginal vein 2.14–2.67× as long as postmarginal vein and 4–5.71× as long as stigmal vein; hypopygium 0.82–0.92×; ovipositor 2–2.67× as long as metasoma. Some paratypes have Gt1–Gt3 only slightly emarginate medially.

Biology. The label data of some paratypes stated that the specimens were reared from galls on leaves of Nothofagus antarctica (Nothofagaceae) or weevil gall on Nothofagus, respectively. One specimen was collected by yellow pan trap on a streamside.


Published as part of Janšta, Petr, Křížková, Barbora, Vilímová, Jitka & Rasplus, Jean-Yves, 2013, Description of a new genus, Chileana (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae), with four new species, pp. 49-63 in Zootaxa 3745 (1) on pages 53-54, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3745.1.4,


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Scientific name authorship
Jansta & Krizkova
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Taxonomic concept label
Chileana cyanea Janšta & Křížková, 2013