Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Olethreutes kamtshadala Falkovitsh 1966


Olethreutes kamtshadala (Falkovitsh 1966)

(Fig. 4)

Selenodes kamtshadala Falkovitsh, 1966, Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR 37: 222–223 (Type locality: Russia, Koryakia autonomous region, Apuka, Pakhachinsky Range [Holotype: ZISP]).

Material examined. 1 ♂ (holotype), micr. prep. no. 326, [Russia], Koryakia autonomous region, Apuka, Pakhachinsky Range, mountain tundra, 300 m, 7.vii.1959, K. Gorodkov leg. [coll. ZISP].

Description. Forewing length 8 mm. Head: Light brownish gray; labial palpi small, covered externally by dark brownish gray scales. Antennae brown, slightly longer than one-half forewing length. Thorax: Light brown gray. Forewing subquadrangular, strongly elongate, with costal nearly straight and apex rounded; termen conspicuously oblique, straight, tornus rounded; upperside ground color dark brown with an admixture of whitish scales; small groups of black scales forming short black longitudinal streaks representing elements of broken subbasal, median, and postmedian fasciae; no conspicuous darker transversal fasciae; basal, mesal and distal wing parts concolorous, not separated from each other; costal strigulae white; 5th–8th strigulae fused with white ovoid postdiscal spot; ocellar region lighter at tornal part with three dark (not black) streaks; outer margin beyond apex with three white streaks. Cilia dark whitish with brown scales; marginal line distinct. Hindwing same shape as other members of species group, but apex less extended; light gray, slightly darker along outer margin, darkest at apex; costal margin with elongate basal lobe about 1/3 length of costa, its fore margin with elongate specialized androconial scales. Cilia whitish. Abdomen: Light gray. Male genitalia (Fig. 7) with uncus slightly expanded apically with distinct apical bifurcation. Socii fused laterally with tegumen. Gnathos membranous. Valva long, broadest basally; cucullus enlarged apically into an oviod bulb; neck short, ca. twice as long as width; sacculus with broadly ovoid, short, apical process, densely covered with strong setae; field of chaetae not narrowed towards costa, with a row of several strong chaetae along costa towards basal cavity; sacculus apex with small setose spine cluster. Aedeagus similar to other species of the group. Female unknown.

Diagnosis. Olethreutes kamtshadala is most similar to O. magadana but can be distinguished by the following characters: neck of the valva shorter than the cucullus, ca. twice as long as wide, whereas in O. magadana the neck is nearly as long as the cucullus, ca. four times as long as wide; and the apical process of the sacculus short, broadly ovoid, whereas in O. magadana process distinctly triangular.

Distribution. Northern part of Kamchatka Peninsula.


Published as part of Dubatolov, Vladimir V., Bogunova, Anna A. & Nedoshivina, Svetlana V., 2014, Review of the Olethreutes bowmanana-magadana species group, with the description of a new species from the Amur River, Russia (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), pp. 375-382 in Zootaxa 3779 (3) on page 379, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3779.3.5,


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  • Falkovitsh, M. I. (1966) New Palearctic species of leaf-rollers from subfamily Olethreutinae (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR. Leningrad, 37, 208 - 227. [in Russian]