Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Thelepus Leuckart 1849



Genus Thelepus Leuckart, 1849

Thelepus cincinnatus (Fabricius, 1780)


LITERATURE RECORDS: Grube 1861; Lorenz 1863; Stossich 1883; Carus 1884; Graeffe 1905; Fauvel 1934; Vatova 1935; Meštrov 1957; Banse 1970; Amoureux & Katzmann 1971; Zavodnik 1971; Katzmann 1971, 1972; Marcuzzi 1972; Matjašić & Štirn 1975; Velimirov & Sint 1975; Amoureux 1975, 1976; Vaccarella et al. 1981; Amoureux 1983a, 1983c; Zavodnik et al. 1985; Požar-Domac 1994; Zahtila 1995; Zavodnik & Kovačić 2000; Castelli et al. 2008.

NEW RECORDS: BM11, BM52, BM53, BM54, BM65, BM66, BM81, BM99.

OTHER REPORTED NAMES: Terebella madida Frey et Leuckart, 1847; Terebella pustulosa Grube 1860.

? Thelepus setosus (Quatrefages, 1866)


LITERATURE RECORDS: Gamulin-Brida et al. 1968; Bellan 1969; Katzmann 1972; Bellan 1976; Požar-Domac 1983, 1994; Zahtila 1995; Zavodnik & Kovačić 2000; Castelli et al. 2008.


REMARKS: Although type locality of T. setosus is Arctic Ocean, it was recorded from numerous locations around the world (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian oceans, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea). However, Hutchings & Glasby (1987) suspect that the species is not as cosmopolitan as would appear from the literature. Additional samples would need to be analysed in order to reveal the identity of T. setosus from the Adriatic Sea, as it might as well represent a different species.

Thelepus triserialis (Grube 1855)


LITERATURE RECORDS: Grube 1861; Lorenz 1863; Grube 1864; Stossich 1883; Carus 1884; Graeffe 1905; Meštrov 1957; Marcuzzi 1972; Matjašić & Štirn 1975; Požar-Domac 1983, 1986, 1994; Zavodnik & Kovačić 2000; Fraschetti et al. 2002; Giangrande et al. 2003; Castelli et al. 2008. OTHER REPORTED NAMES: Terebella triserialis Grube 1855.


Published as part of Mikac, Barbara, 2015, A sea of worms: polychaete checklist of the Adriatic Sea, pp. 1-172 in Zootaxa 3943 (1) on page 145, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3943.1.1,


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Thelepus Leuckart, 1849 sec. Mikac, 2015


  • Grube, A. E. (1861) Ein Ausflug nach Triest und dem Quarnero. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Thierwelt dieses Gebietes. Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 175 pp.
  • Lorenz, J. R. (1863) Physicalische Verhaltnisse und Vertheilung der Organismn im Quarnerischen Golfe. Verlag der Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 379 pp.
  • Stossich, M. (1883) Prospeto della fauna del Mare Adriatico. IV Vermes. Bollettino della Societa adriatica di scienze naturali in Trieste, 7, 168 - 242.
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  • Graeffe, E. (1905) Ubersicht der Fauna des Golfes von Triest. X. Vermes. I. Teil. Arbeiten aus den zoologischen Institute der Universitat Wien und der zoologischen Station in Trieste, 15, 317 - 332.
  • Fauvel, P. (1934) Annelides Polychetes de Rovigno d'Istria. Thalassia, 1 (7), 1 - 78.
  • Vatova, A. (1935) Ricerche preliminari sulle biocenosi del Golfo di Rovigno. Thalassia, 2 (2), 1 - 30.
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  • Amoureux, L. & Katzmann, W. (1971) Note faunistique et ecologique sur une collection d'Annelides Polychetes de substrats rocheux circalittoraux de la region de Rovinj (Yougoslavie). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 186 (1 / 2), 114 - 122.
  • Zavodnik, D. (1971) Contribution to the dynamics of benthic communities in the region of Rovinj (Nothern Adriatic). Thalassia Jugoslavica, 7, 447 - 514.
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  • Velimirov, B. & Sint, P. (1975) Quantitative Untersuchungen von Faunengrenzen im nordadriatischen Phytal am Beispeil der Polychaeta. Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Abteilung 1, 184 (8 / 10), 341 - 368.
  • Amoureux, L. (1975) Annelides Polychetes de l'ilot Banjole (pres de Rovinj, haute - Adriatique). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 16, 231 - 244.
  • Amoureux, L. (1976) Inventaire d'une petit collection d'Annelides Polychetes des parages sud de Rovinj (Haute - Adriatique). Thalassia Jugoslavica, 12, 381 - 390.
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  • Amoureux, L. (1983 a) Annelides Polychetes recueillies par D. Zavodnik. Thalassia Jugoslavica, 19, 1 - 6.
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  • Zavodnik, D., Vidakovic, J. & Amoureux, L. (1985) Contribution to sediment macrofauna in the area of Rovinj (North Adriatic Sea). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 26, 431 - 444.
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  • Zahtila, E. (1995) Ecological and biogeographical analysis of the Polychaetes fauna (Annelida, Polychaeta) of the Adriatic Sea (Ekoloska i biogeografska analiza faune mnogocetinasa (Annelida, Polychaeta) Jadranskog mora). Doctoral thesis, University of Zagreb, 483 pp.
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  • Castelli, A., Bianchi, C. N., Cantone, G., Cinar, M. E., Gambi, M. C., Giangrande, A., Iraci Sareri, D., Lanera, P., Licciano, M., Musco, L. & Sanfilippo, R. (2008) Annelida Polychaeta. In: Relini, G. (Ed), Checklist della flora e della fauna dei mari italiani (Parte I). Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 15 (Supplement 1), pp. 327 - 377.
  • Grube, A. E. (1860) Beschreibung neuer oder wenig bekannter Anneliden. Archiv Fur Naturgeschicthe, 26, 71 - 118.
  • Gamulin-Brida, H., Pozar, A. & Zavodnik, D. (1968) Contributions aux recherches sur la bionomie benthique des fonds meubles de l'Adriatique du nord (II). Bioloski Glasnik, 21, 157 - 201.
  • Bellan, G. (1969) Contribution a l'etude des Annelides Polychetes de la region de Rovinj (Yougoslavie). Rad Jugoslavenske akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 354 (13), 25 - 55.
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  • Hutchings, P. A. & Glasby, C. J. (1987) The Thelepinae (F. Terebellidae) from Australia together with a discussion of the generic and specific characters of the family. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington, 7, 217 - 250.
  • Grube, A. E. (1855) Beschreibungen neuer oder wenig bekannter Anneliden. Archiv Fur Naturgeschicthe Berlin, 21 (1), 81 - 128.
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