Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Drymeia cristata Sorokina & Pont, 2015, sp. nov.


Drymeia cristata sp. nov.

Figs. 5 A–H

Diagnosis. The species is similar to D. cantabrigensis (Huckett, 1965) and D. setibasis (Huckett, 1965). Males of the new species can be distinguished as follows: anepimeron and katepimeron bare; eye bare; facial edge projecting forward beyond the level of profrons; arista swollen in basal third; proboscis elongated; anteroventral surface of mid femur with a comb of long, strong, inclined setae on middle part; hind femur without posteroventrals; hind tibia without a ventral apical prong and with only a strong anteroventral preapical seta.

Etymology. The species name is based on the Latin adjective “cristatus” what means “with a comb”.

Type material examined. Holotype male, RUSSIA: Krasnoyarsky Krai, Taymyr Peninsula, 90 km NW Khatanga, valley of Zakharova-Rasokha River (left tributary of Novaya River), 72.7ºN 101.08ºE, 3.vii.2011, A. Barkalov (SZMN). Paratypes: 30 males, same data as holotype, 2–16.vii.2011, A. Barkalov & V. Zinchenko (2 males each in ZIN, ZMUM, OUMNH, BMNH, BUIC). 1 male, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Wrangel Island, environs of Tundrovaya Mt., 18.vii.1972, K. Gorodkov (ZIN).

Description. MALE. Length of body, 4.6–6.3 mm. Length of wing, 4.0– 4.6 mm.

Head: Ground-colour black. Eye bare. Fronto-orbital plate and parafacial silvery-grey pruinose; face grey, gena and lower occiput grey pruinose. Fronto-orbital plates touching. Frons at narrowest point 1.5 times as wide as diameter of anterior ocellus. Ocellar setae very short. 11–13 pairs of frontal setae, including interstitials, reaching almost to anterior ocellus. Antenna black, postpedicel about as long as wide. Arista bare, swollen in basal third. Parafacial at level of insertion of arista equal to or slightly narrower than width of postpedicel, hardly narrowing below. Upper part of face without a small knob or carina between antennal bases. In lateral view, facial edge projecting forward beyond the level of profrons. Gena broad, depth below lowest eye-margin equal to length of postpedicel, densely setose and with a group of upcurved setae on anterior part of genal dilation. Palpus black. Proboscis elongated, prementum dusted.

Thorax: Ground-colour black. Scutum matt, black, viewed from in front with very indistinct dark brown vittae running inside and outside the line of the dorsocentrals; viewed from behind scutum and scutellum black, without dust. Ground-setulae short, but dense. Pleura subshining, anteriorly on katepisternum and medially on meron with a shining patch. Acrostichals 0, the presutural setulae in 4–5 irregular rows. Dorsocentrals 2+4. Prealar absent. Anepimeron and katepimeron bare. Notopleuron densely setulose. Prosternum bare. Katepisternal setae 1+1.

Legs: Black. Fore tibia with 2–3 submedian posteroventral setae. Fore tarsomeres 1–4 each with a short fine anteroventral and posteroventral hair at tip, and tarsomere 1 with 3–4 posteroventrals at apex. Fore claws as long as length of tarsomere 5 or slight longer, thin and pointed. Mid femur slight curved, with a comb of long, strong, inclined anteroventral setae on middle part, these becoming shorter distally; anterior surface with a row of setae on basal half; posteroventral surface with several fine short setae on apical half, not as long as femoral depth; 0 anterior and 1–2 posterodorsal to posterior preapical setae. Mid tibia without anterodorsals and anteroventrals; 7–8 short and long posterodorsals and 3–4 posteroventrals. Mid tarsomeres 1–2 on posteroventral surface with a row of apically curved or straight hairs, as long as tarsal depth. Hind femur without posteroventrals but with some fine setae on basal half of posterior surface; with a row of anteroventrals on apical third. Hind tibia with 5–7 posterodorsals on basal half; with a row of anterodorsals, long on basal third and becoming shorter and more setulose towards apex of tibia; 3–4 short anteroventrals on basal half and 3–4 posteroventrals on apical half; without a ventral apical prong, without strong preapical setae, except anteroventral seta. Hind tarsomere 1 with 2 short ventral setae at base.

Wing: Light yellowish, darker at base. Basicosta and tegula black. Costa with weak spinules, without costal spine. Cross-vein r-m below the point where subcosta enters costa. Cross-vein dm-cu upright, almost straight, forming a right-angle with vein M. Calypters and margins yellow. Knob of haltere black.

Abdomen: Ground-colour black. Syntergite1+2 black, tergites 3–5 yellowish-grey dusted, with a narrow dark middle stripe that does not expand laterad along margins of tergites. Sternite 1 bare. Sternite 5 (Fig. 5 E).

Terminalia: Figs 4 F–H.

FEMALE: Not known, but probably similar to D. cantabrigensis (Huckett, 1965) and D. setibasis (Huckett, 1965).

Distribution. Russia: Taymyr Peninsula, Wrangel Island.


Published as part of Sorokina, Vera S. & Pont, Adrian C., 2015, A review of the genus Drymeia Meigen, 1826 (Diptera: Muscidae) in Russia, pp. 151-206 in Zootaxa 4000 (2) on pages 167-169, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4000.2.1,


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sp. nov.
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Drymeia cristata Sorokina & Pont, 2015