Published March 22, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eudendrium antarcticum Stechow 1921


Eudendrium antarcticum Stechow, 1921

(Fig. 3g)

Material examined. ANT XV/3: 48-31, one colony, c. 15 mm high, on O. terranovae and Tubularia sp.1; 48-77, one colony, c. 15 mm high, with female gonophores; 48-197, one colony, c. 50 mm high; 48-276, one colony, 20 mm high, on B. subrufa; ANT XVII/3: 111-19, one colony, c. 4 mm high, on H. interpolatum; ANT XXI/2: PS65/ 292, one colony, c. 7 mm high.

Remarks. Non-reproductive material was attributed based on the cnidome, consisting of microbasic euryteles of only one size category [range 7.0–8.0 x 1.5–2.5 µm, mean 7.8±0.3 x 2.3±0.3 µm (n=23)], in agreement with previous material examined by Peña Cantero & Gili (2006) and Peña Cantero & Vervoort (2009). In the material examined here, unlike previous reports of the species (e.g. Puce et al. 2002), the female gonophores originated from partially atrophied hydranths with a reduced number of tentacles (Fig. 3g), probably due to the complete maturation of the gonozooid, as known to occur in other species of the genus, a process known as reproductive exhaustion (see Schuchert 2008b).

Ecology and distribution. In Antarctic waters, the species is known from depths between 240 (Peña Cantero & Vervoort 2009) and 260 m (Peña Cantero & Gili 2006); material examined collected at depths between 64 and 598 m, considerably extending its bathymetric range. Species previously reported from off South Africa, Bouvet, the Bransfield Strait area and doubtfully from Peter I Island [cf. Peña Cantero & Vervoort (2009) and literature therein]. Present contribution constitutes the first evidence of E. antarcticum from the Weddell Sea.


Published as part of Soto, Joan J. & Peña, Álvaro L., 2019, Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the Weddell Sea (Antarctica), pp. 1-78 in Zootaxa 4570 (1) on page 12, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4570.1.1,


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Eudendrium antarcticum Stechow, 1921 sec. Soto & Peña, 2019


  • Stechow E (1921) Uber Hydroiden der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition, nebst Bemerkungen uber einige andre Formen. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 53, 223 - 236.
  • Pena Cantero, A. L. & Gili, J. M. (2006) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from off Bouvet Island (Antarctic Ocean). Polar Biology, 29, 764 - 771. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 00300 - 006 - 0113 - x
  • Pena Cantero, A. L. & Vervoort, W. (2009) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from the Bransfield Strait area (Antarctica) collected by Brazilian expeditions, with the description of a new species. Polar Biology, 32, 83 - 92. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 00300 - 008 - 0506 - 0
  • Puce, S., Cerrano, C. & Bavestrello, G. (2002) Eudendrium (Cnidaria, Anthomedusae) from the Antarctic Ocean with description of two new species. Polar Biology, 25, 366 - 373. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 00300 - 001 - 0353 - 8
  • Schuchert, P. (2008 b) The European athecate hydroids and their medusae (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria): Filifera part 4. Revue Suisse De Zoologie, 115, 677 - 757. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 80453