Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ozichthys albimaculosus Kailola 1976


Ozichthys albimaculosus (Kailola, 1976)

Figures 1–3, Table 1

Type material: Holotype, Apogon albimaculosus AMS IB. 8347, 65.0 mm SL, Australia, Queensland, between Gloucester Island and Bowen, 20°01'S, 148°15'E, Sep 1967, 18.3 m, G. Coates, photograph and xray. Paratypes, AMS I. 16232–001, (2, 57–62), Australia, Queensland, 4.8 km north of Magnetic Island, 19°100'S, 146°50'E, 21.9 m, Jun 1969, G. Coates, (smaller specimen is cleared and stained). AMS I.16895–001 (formerly F 02019), (1, 60), Papua New Guinea, north of Yule Island, 8°49'S, 146°31'E, 36.6 m, 13 Feb 1971, FRV Rosse, collector R. Pyne. AMS I.16896–001, (1, 54), Papua New Guinea, north of Yule Island, 8° 49'S, 146°31'E, 32.9 m, 13 Nov 1970, FRV Maragili, collector R. Pyne.

Other material: Australia, Northern Territory: NTM S.10031–047, (9, 49.8–58.4), N of Smith Point, Cobourg Peninsula, 10°57'59.9754"S, 132°10'0.012"E, 18 Oct 1981, 27 m. NTM S.10106–005, (1, 51.5), East Side, Van Diemen Gulf, 17 Jan 1978. NTM S.12574–003, (1, 44.2), N of Groote Eylandt, 13°30'0"S, 136°19'59.9988"E, 27 May 1987, 20 m. NTM S.13133–002, (1, 61.0), E of Nicol Island, Blue Mud Bay, 13°25'0.0012"S, 136°19'59.9988"E, 22 Sep 1987, 21 m. NTM S.13255–002, (1, 48.6), Gulf of Carpentaria, 12°15'0"S, 138°16'0.0012"E, RV Southern Surveyor, Sta 27, 23 Nov 1991. NTM S.13281–003, (3, 41.5–60.6), Northeast of Point Charles, Beagle Gulf, 12°19'53.9754"S, 130°40' 45.0012E, 2 Sep 1992. NTM S.13282-009, (1, 51.8), North of Charles Point, Beagle Gulf, 12°15'23.976"S, 130°37'49.8"E, 2 Sep 1992. NTM S.13735–003, (1, 38.5), West Arm, Darwin Harbour, 12°33'17.9994"S, 130°46'41.9988"E, 9 Sep 1993. NTM S.16200–004, (1, 24.8), South Moira Reef, Port Patterson, 12°31'0.0006"S, 130°31'0.0012"E, 8 Nov 2002. Australia, Western Australia: NTM S.13334–004, (5, 52.9–61.4), Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Timor Sea, 13°55'59.9982"S, 128°55'59.9988"E, 24 Nov 1990. NTM S.14355–005, (2, 51.2–55.6), Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, 14°12'47.4012"S, 128°41'16.1988"E, 10 Jun 1996. NTM S.14362–002, (1, 49.8), NW of West Holothuria Reef, Holothuria Banks, 13°25'13.1982"S, 125°39'18"E, 12 Jun 1996. Papua New Guinea: AMS I.16897–001, (1, 45), Gulf of Papua, SE of Cape Blackwood, 07°49'S, 144°30'E, Mar 1963, 7 m.

Diagnosis. As for genus.

Description. For general body shape see Figure 1 A. Proportions as % SL. Body depth 46–47; head length 39–42; eye diameter 11–12; snout length 9–11; bony interorbital width 9–10; upper-jaw length 18–20; caudalpeduncle depth 16; caudal-peduncle length 20–22; first dorsal-fin spine length 4–6; second dorsal-fin spine length 10–11; third dorsal-fin spine length 23–24; fourth dorsal-fin spine length 21–23; spine in second dorsal fin 15–18; first anal-fin spine length 3–5; second anal-fin spine length 15–16; pectoral-fin length 22–24; pelvic-fin length 35–36.

Dorsal fin IX as VIII–I,9 or VII(I)–I,9 usually with visible eighth spine; two supernumerary spines on first pterygiophore; three supraneurals, as 0/0/0 with respect to first three neural spines; fused distal radial on seventh proximal-middle radial with exposed serial spine VIII; anal fin II,8; one supernumerary spine on first anal pterygiophore, second anal spine in series with first pterygiophore; first anal ray branched; anal fin pterygiophores relationship with first haemal spine 1/ 4; no anterior flange on first anal ptergyiophore; pectoral fin 17–19; pelvic fin I,5; principal caudal rays 9+8, branched caudal rays 8+7, 7 upper procurrent rays, 6 lower procurrent rays (Figure 1 B).

Pored lateral-line scales 23–24 with one pore above and one pore below main canal (Figure 2 A); single elongate pored cycloid scale extending onto caudal fin (Figure 2 B); transverse scale rows above lateral line 2; transverse scale rows below lateral line 6; median predorsal scales 4–5; circumpeduncular scale rows 12 as 5 +2+5.

Scales with multiple rows of ctenii on nape, cheek, preopercle, subopercle, opercle, breast and rest of body; pelvic with small ctenoid axillary scale; base of pelvic with narrow anterior ctenoid scale, posterior scale cycloid (three specimens with anterior ctenoid scale, two with anterior cycloid scale, one with posterior ctenoid scale); small cycloid scales on base of caudal fin.

Upper arch with 2–3 rudiments and 1 raker, lower arch with 7 rakers and 4–6 rudiments as 8 total rakers, 14–17 total elements; no gill rakers on second arch.

Band of villiform teeth on premaxilla; band of villiform teeth on dentary; 3–4 rows of villiform teeth on vomer; short patch of villiform teeth on anterior end of palatine; no teeth on ectopterygoid, endopterygoid or basihyal.

Vertebrae 10+14; 9 epineurals, one on first vertebra, one on second vertebra, 7 on ribs, last rib (10th vertebra) without an epineural; 8 ribs beginning on third vertebra, all rod-shaped except last short and flattened; four hypurals, 1+2 fused but not fused to terminal centrum; urostylar sheath over anterior ends of third and fourth hypurals; fifth hypural splint-like; one pair of long slender uroneurals, upturned anteriorly, extending from midurostyle to first quarter of fifth hypural; three epurals, first proximally expanded, second with slightly expanded proximal tip, third as a rod; a free parhypural.

Basisphenoid present, Y-shaped; supramaxilla absent; posttemporal mostly smooth on posterior margin with 3- 4 small serrations; preopercle ridge smooth; vertical and horizontal margins of preopercle serrate (Figure 2 C); six infraorbital with smooth edges, wide shelf on third infraorbital; 7 branchiostegals, 3 ventrally on epihyal, 2 on face of ceratohyal, 2 on face of epihyal; smooth suture between epihyal and ceratohyal; urohyal with anterior process.

Anal and genital openings near anal-fin origin; peritoneum with some melanophores. Stomach and intestine pale.

Anterior naris with raised rim as short tube grading higher from front to back, posterior naris flat as vertical oval.

Pore patterns on head incomplete (Figure 3 A): terminal supraorbital pore not reaching edge of snout, lachrymal with two anterior pores on ventral edge, anterior dentary pores on face and ventral side; anterior supraorbital pore slightly posteriad to edge of upper lip, many small pores on interorbit, no large dorsal pores along edge of eye, small pores on post orbit and anterior nape, 5 flutes on post orbit and at least 8 flutes on nape, pores along surface of preopercle, narrow slit at anterior of lachrymal below nares, two large pores near anteroventral edge of lachrymal, row of small pores near ventral edge of mid to posterior lachrymal, many tiny pores along lower and posterior edge of eye, two rows, outer and inner along dentary, 4–5 medium sized inner pores anterior to articular pore.

Free neuromast patterns not well-preserved, at least 16 rows on caudal fin; upper unbranched (1) and branched principal caudal-rays 1–7 with 8 rows of free neuromasts along the upper edges of caudal fin-rays; no row of free neuromasts along ninth principal caudal fin-ray; lower unbranched (1) and branched principal caudal-rays 10–16 with 8 rows of free neuromasts along the lower edges of caudal fin-rays; free neuromasts on snout, interorbit, post orbit, anterior nape, preopercle, infraorbitals, cheek, dentary; no free neuromasts detected on surfaces of lateral line scales, except the last one or two terminal scales on caudal fin.

Post mortem color pattern. Figure 1 A. Head and body with tannish brown ground color; dark post-ocular bar reaching posttemporal at edge of lateral line; iris of eye with alternating dark light and dark marks radiating from edge of pupil; head mottled with light and tan marks; lower jaw with alternating light and dark marks; larger alternating marks on preopercle; dark mark on occiput; predorsal scales brownish; light spots above lateral line becoming larger posteriorly below second dorsal fin, variably on caudal peduncle; many large pale spots on side and abdomen; dark outline incomplete on the anterior third of pale spots; pectoral fin translucent, without markings; spines with alternating light and dark marks including the first two dorsal spines, spine in second dorsal, pelvic and second anal spines; membrane of first dorsal fin uniform brown, darker distally along edge; second dorsal fin with black spot from base of fin rays 1-4, outlined with yellow mid-fin, a partial ocellus, distally brown with yellow marks; pelvic fin brown with yellow marks, distally dark brown to black; anal fin with a small black mark proximal to body partially offset with a distal yellow mark followed by yellow spots on a brown to black distal third of fin; procurrent caudal rays with alternating yellow and brown to black marks, rest of caudal fin brown to black ground color with semi-oval yellow spots; base of caudal fin with lateral line yellow spot and a spot near upper and lower edges of caudal base..

Distribution. Northern Australia from Bowen, Queensland northward in the Coral Sea to Port Hedland, Western Australia, in the Timor Sea and along the southern coast of New Guinea at depths of 7- 36 m. in turbid to clear marine water.

Remarks. Ozichthys albimaculosus differs from all known species of Foa by having an eighth visible dorsal spine/large hidden nubbin versus no hidden nubbin, 17–19 pectoral fin-rays versus 11–12, an extended, rounded caudal fin versus a truncate or slightly rounded caudal fin, an ossified versus unossified ventral preopercular margin, weakly serrate versus smooth ventral and vertical preopercular margins, serrate versus smooth posttemporal edge, 23–24 versus 3–14 pored lateral-line scales, lacking a supramaxilla versus having a slender supramaxilla, fused hypurals 1+2 versus separate hypurals 1 and 2, five versus 3 post orbit canal flutes, 16 versus 11 rows of free neuromasts on caudal fin-rays, 4–5 versus 3–4 predorsal scales, epineural on rib of ninth vertebrae versus epineural absent on rib of ninth vertebrae and an elongate last pored lateral-line scale versus a rounded pit scale (Table 1). The preopercular serrations are eroded in most specimens of Ozichthys albimaculosus because all specimens have been collected by trawls (see Kailola 1976, fig. 2). Two specimens (NTM S. 12574–003 NTM S.13133–002) examined are in very good shape and have undamaged serrated preopercles (Figure 2 C).

Ozichthys albimaculosus shares with Foa pored lateral-line scales with a single pore above and below the central canal, a brownish ground color variably marked on the head and body, alternating brownish and pale marks on lower jaw and spines of pelvic, anal, first and second dorsal fins, rounded margins of the anal and second dorsal fins and three pale marking on the base of the caudal fin. The pale spots are yellowish in Ozichthys albimaculosus but the species differs in having large yellowish markings on otherwise blackish second dorsal, anal and caudal fins and a dark mark proximally in the second dorsal fin slightly smaller than the eye diameter.

Ozichthys albimaculosus shares with some species of Apogonichthyoides: the urostylar sheath, absent supramaxilla, brownish ground color of the head and body of some species, rounded margins of the anal and second dorsal fins, at least one species with a dark spot in the base of the second dorsal and anal fins, generally darkish fins, serrate preopercle, serrate posttemporal and elongate last pored lateral-line scale. Ozichthys differs from Apogonichthyoides in the number of pectoral fin-rays 17–19 versus 14–17, fused hypurals 1+2 versus separate hypurals 1 and 2, simple pored lateral-line scales versus multiple pored lateral-line scales, 16 rows of neuromasts on caudal-fin rays versus 11–12 rows of neuromasts on caudal-fin rays, 4–5 predorsal scales versus 1–3 predorsal scales, and with an epineural on rib of ninth vertebrae versus epineural absent on rib of ninth vertebrae

Ozichthys albimaculosus shares some characters with Vincentia: the urostylar sheath, absent supramaxilla, brownish ground color of the head and body in some species, rounded margins of the anal and second dorsal fins, serrate preopercle, serrate posttemporal and elongate last pored lateral-line scale. Ozichthys differs from Vincentia in the number of pectoral fin-rays 17–19 versus 14–16, fused hypurals 1+2 versus separate hypurals 1 and 2, basisphenoid present versus basisphenoid absent, simple pored lateral-line scales versus multiple pored lateral-line scales, 16 rows of neuromasts on caudal-fin rays versus 12 rows of neuromasts on caudal-fin rays, 4–5 predorsal scales versus 1–2 predorsal scales, 10+14 vertebrae versus 10+15 vertebrae, and epineural on rib of ninth vertebrae versus epineural absent on rib of ninth vertebrae.

Possible synapomorphies of Ozichthys albimaculosus + Foa include the three pale marks or spots at the base of the caudal fin, simple lateral-line scale architecture and alternating light and dark marks on lower lip and vertical fins. One of these characters (simple lateral-line scale architecture) is in common with Apogonichthys, Fowleria, and Neamia. Color patterns with alternating characteristics are not present in species of Apogonichthyoides or among species of Vincentia.

TABLE 1. Comparisons of selected characters for Ozichthys and six other genera. Character states are compiled from Fraser 1972, Fraser & Allen 2006, Fraser & Allen 2010, Ida & Moyer 1974, Baldwin & Johnson 1999, Bergman 2004, papers cited herein, this paper and unpublished data.

continued on the next page small

Vincentia 10 3 4 - large 4 or 12 1

Apogonichthyoides 8 3 large small 1 4 or 9 12 –

Apogonichthys 6 3 large?

Neamia 6 3 large?

Fowleria 5 3 large 11 Foa 7 3 large 11

Ozichthys 8 5 small 16) Continued flutes flutes pores on neuromasts (. 1 TABLE supratemporal interorbit superorbital of rows caudal fin rays


Published as part of Fraser, Thomas H., 2014, A new genus of cardinalfish from tropical Australia and southern New Guinea (Percomorpha: Apogonidae), pp. 283-293 in Zootaxa 3852 (2) on pages 285-291, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3852.2.7,


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Ozichthys albimaculosus Kailola, 1976 sec. Fraser, 2014


  • Kailola, P. J. (1976) A new species of cardinalfish (Apogonidae) from northern Queensland and Papua New Guinea. Records of the Australian Museum, 30 (8), 129 - 136. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3853 / j. 0067 - 1975.30.1976.396
  • Fraser, T. H. (1972) Comparative osteology of the shallow water cardinal fishes (Perciformes: Apogonidae) with references to the systematics and evolution of the family. Ichthyological Bulletin of the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, 34, i - v, 1 - 105.
  • Fraser, T. H. & Allen, G. R. (2006) A new species of Neamia (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from the West Pacific Ocean. Memoirs of Museum Victoria, 63 (1), 1 - 5.
  • Fraser, T. H. & Allen, G. R. (2010) Cardinalfish of the genus Apogonichthyoides Smith, 1949 (Apogonidae) with a description of a new species from the West-Pacific region. Zootaxa, 2348, 40 - 56.
  • Ida, H. & Moyer, J. T. (1974) Apogonid fishes of Miyake-Jima and Ishigaki-Jima, Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 21 (3), 113 - 128.
  • Baldwin, C. C. & Johnson, G. D. (1999) Paxton concilians: a new genus and species of Pseudamine apogonid (Teleostei: Percoidei) from northwestern Australia: the sister group of the enigmatic Gymnapogon. Copeia, 1999 (4), 1050 - 1073. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2307 / 1447980
  • Bergman, L. M. R. (2004) The cephalic lateralis system of cardinalfishes (Perciformes: Apogonidae) and its application to the taxonomy and systematics of the family. Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 373 leaves.