Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Tanarctus bubulubus Jorgensen & Kristensen 2001


130. Tanarctus bubulubus Jørgensen & Kristensen, 2001

Tanarctus bubulubus sp. n. (Jørgensen & Kristensen, 2001)

Terra typica: Norwegian Sea (Faroe Bank, Europe)

Norwegian Sea:

61°12.42′N, 08°28.22′W / 61°12′25′′N, 08°28′13′′W; 144 m bsl: [FAO27] Type Locality: Faroe Islands, Faroe Bank, BIOFAR Station 573, coarse carbonate sand. Jørgensen & Kristensen (2001)

61° 00.0N, 08°13W–61° 00.0N, 08°15W / 61°00′N, 08°13′W – 61°00′N, 08°15′W; 94–120 m bsl: [FAO27] Faroe Islands, Faroe Bank, BIOFAR Station 2013, coarse shell hash extremely clean (without detritus). Jørgensen & Kristensen (2001)

60°35.9′N, 10°16.4′W / 60°35′56′′N, 10°16′24′′W; 160 m bsl: [FAO27] Faroe Islands, Bill Bailey Bank, BIOFAR Station 591, fine shell hash. Jørgensen & Kristensen (2001)

Record numbers (Sea/Ocean classification): Norwegian Sea: 3; total: 3.

Record numbers (FAO classification): FAO27: 3; total: 3.

Remarks: This is a deep subtidal species known only from the type locality and neighbouring sites.


Published as part of Kaczmarek, Łukasz, Bartels, Paul J., Roszkowska, Milena & Nelson, Diane R., 2015, The Zoogeography of Marine Tardigrada, pp. 1-189 in Zootaxa 4037 (1) on page 121, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4037.1.1,


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