Published November 7, 2019 | Version v1
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The Moon: The Next Step towards Sustainable Expansion into Space?

  • 1. Airbus


Although humans have not travelled beyond the Moon (or even back to the Moon, yet), global space business (excluding the downstream services) exceeds nowadays €80bn a year. This figure depends on a business model in which every kilogram of required hardware or resource is brought from Earth, which raises questions about its sustainability and growth potential. It is in this context that all major space powers are heading back to the Moon. The possibility of extracting raw materials, resources and – above all – rocket propellant, is what drives the US, Russia, China and others to prospect and settle around the lunar south pole. The presentation will outline the lunar programme of NASA and ESA, and introduce a few thoughts about Europe’s options for projecting influence and protecting its stake in a quest shaped by both co co- operation and competition.


Hamburg Aerospace Lecture Series --- Collection of Presentations ---



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