Published December 31, 2002 | Version v1
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Silurian and Devonian strata on the Severnaya Zemlya and Sedov archipelagos (Russia)

  • 1. Institute of Geology, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia Ave 7, 10143 Tallinn (Estonia)
  • 2. Institute of Geology and Exploitation of Combustible Fuels (IGIRGI), Fersman Str. 50, 117312 Moscow (Russia)
  • 3. Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources (SNIIGiMS), Krasnyj Ave 67, 630104 Novosibirsk (Russia)
  • 4. Institute of Geology, University of Latvia, Raina Ave 19, LV-1050 Rīga (Latvia) Silurian and Devonian strata are widely distributed on the islands of the Severnaya Zemlya and Sedov archipelagos. The Silurian is represented by fossiliferous shallow-water carbonates underlain by variegated sandstones and siltstones of Ordovician age. The Devonian consists mainly of various red sandstones, siltstones and argillites, with carbonates only in some intervals. The best sections available for study are located in the river valleys, and in the cliffs along the coastline of islands. Type sections of most of the stratigraphical units identified are located on the Matusevich River, October Revolution Island. As the Quaternary cover is poorly developed on Severnaya Zemlya, the Palaeozoic strata can be easily traced also outside the sections.


Männik, Peep, Menner, Vladimir V., Matukhin, Rostislav G., Kuršs, Visvaldis (2002): Silurian and Devonian strata on the Severnaya Zemlya and Sedov archipelagos (Russia). Geodiversitas 24 (1): 99-122, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5371197



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