Published July 23, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Simulated pp collisions at 13 TeV with 2 leptons + 1 b jet final state and selected benchmark Beyond the Standard Model signals


This data-set is comprised of simulated events of pp collisions at 13 TeV with 2 leptons + 1 bottom jet sinal state, with HT > 500 GeV. It includes the following samples

  • Standard-Model background (bkg), generated at leading order includes the sub-samples Z+Jets, ttbar, WW, WZ, and ZZ.
    • The processes were generated in kinematic regions to ensure good statistics across the whole phase space. The sampling was carried out using event generation filters at parton level as follows
      • ttbar: pT <100 GeV; pT in [100, 250] GeV; pT > 250 GeV
      • The scalar sum of the pT of outgoing particles for Z+Jet: ST < 250 Gev; ST in [250, 500] GeV; ST > 500 GeV
      • W/Z pT for dibosons: pT < 250 GeV; pT in [250, 500] GeV; pT > 500 GeV
  • Vector-like T-quarks with masses 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 TeV (hq1000, hq1200, hq14000) pair produced either through the Standard-Model gluon (wohg) or through a BSM 3TeV heavy gluon (hg3000)
  • tZ production through a Flavour Changing Neutral Current (fcnc) vertex

The samples are provided with both a full set of features, or with a sanitised set of features. The sanitised features remove some accumulation at zeros from non-reconstructed objects (i.e. missing values). All samples were generated using MadGraph5 2.6.5 and the detector was simulated using Delphes 3 with the default CMS card. For the Standard-Model background, both Pythia 8.2 (with CMS CUETP8M1 underlying event tune and NNPDF 2.3 parton distribution functions) (pythia) and Herwig 7 (herwig) hadronisations are provided to compare the background simulation. For the BSM signals only Pythia is provided.

For the details of the generation and on the differences between the two feature sets please refer to Finding new physics without learning about it: anomaly detection as a tool for searches at colliders for more details. Each file provides a train:validation:split with the ratios 1:1:1 to ensure equal statistical description of the events at each step of the machine learning workflow.


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