LiDAR canopy structure 2014
- 1. University of Cambridge
- 2. University of Edinburgh
- 3. University of Bristol
- 4. Fondazione Edmund Mach
LiDAR derived canopy structure and topography across SAFE, Maliau Conservation Area and Danum Valley in Malaysian Borneo. These maps were produced following a survey by the Natural Environment Research Council Airborne Research Facility in 2014. Georeferenced point clouds were tiled, noise points were removed and ground points classified using Lastools. Digital terrain models (DTM) were produced from classified ground points at 10 m resolution. Point clouds were normalised (through ground subtraction) to produce 1 m resolution pitfree canopy height model (CHM) rasters. Normalised CHMs were also used to produce 20 m resolution plant area density (PAD) profile and plant area index (PAI) rasters as well as a number of statistics calculated for 20 m resolution vertical profiles. Point density is reported as a means to assess data quality, higher values indicate more data and are likely to be more reliable, particularly for dense tall forests, which depend on high point densities for accurate ground detection. Above-ground carbon density was calculated at 1 ha resolution from top of canopy height and gap fraction (derived from canopy height models) also at 1 ha resolution.
Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Influences of disturbance and environmental variation on biomass change in Malaysian Borneo
Funding: These data were collected as part of research funded by:
- Natural Environmental Research Council (Human Modified Tropical Forests Consortium Grant, NE/K016377/1)
This dataset is released under the CC-BY 4.0 licence, requiring that you cite the dataset in any outputs, but has the additional condition that you acknowledge the contribution of these funders in any outputs.
Permits: These data were collected under permit from the following authorities:
- Sabah Biodiversity Council (Research licence Unknown)
XML metadata: GEMINI compliant metadata for this dataset is available here
Files: This dataset consists of 64 files: SAFE_archive_LiDAR_Swinfield.xlsx, Danum_acd.tif, Danum_chm.tif, Danum_dtm.tif, Danum_pad_canopy_height.tif, Danum_pad_kurt.tif, Danum_pad_mean.tif, Danum_pad_n_layers.tif, Danum_pad_shannon.tif, Danum_pad_shape.tif, Danum_pad_skew.tif, Danum_pad_std.tif, Danum_pai.tif, Danum_pai_02_10m.tif, Danum_pai_10_20m.tif, Danum_pai_20_30m.tif, Danum_pai_30_40m.tif, Danum_pai_40_50m.tif, Danum_pai_50_60m.tif, Danum_pai_60_70m.tif, Danum_pai_70_80m.tif, Danum_point_density.tif, Maliau_acd.tif, Maliau_chm.tif, Maliau_dtm.tif, Maliau_pad_n_layers.tif, Maliau_pad_canopy_height.tif, Maliau_pad_kurt.tif, Maliau_pad_mean.tif, Maliau_pad_shannon.tif, Maliau_pad_shape.tif, Maliau_pad_skew.tif, Maliau_pad_std.tif, Maliau_pai.tif, Maliau_pai_02_10m.tif, Maliau_pai_10_20m.tif, Maliau_pai_20_30m.tif, Maliau_pai_30_40m.tif, Maliau_pai_40_50m.tif, Maliau_pai_50_60m.tif, Maliau_pai_60_70m.tif, Maliau_pai_70_80m.tif, Maliau_point_density.tif, SAFE_acd.tif, SAFE_pad_canopy_height.tif, SAFE_chm.tif, SAFE_dtm.tif, SAFE_pad_kurt.tif, SAFE_pad_mean.tif, SAFE_pad_n_layers.tif, SAFE_pad_shannon.tif, SAFE_pad_shape.tif, SAFE_pad_skew.tif, SAFE_pad_std.tif, SAFE_pai.tif, SAFE_pai_02_10m.tif, SAFE_pai_10_20m.tif, SAFE_pai_20_30m.tif, SAFE_pai_30_40m.tif, SAFE_pai_40_50m.tif, SAFE_pai_50_60m.tif, SAFE_pai_60_70m.tif, SAFE_pai_70_80m.tif, SAFE_point_density.tif
This file only contains metadata for the files below
Description: Danum Valley above-ground carbon density
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_acd)
Description: Danum Valley above-ground carbon density
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_acd: Above-ground carbon density (ACD) (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley canopy height model
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_chm)
Description: Danum Valley canopy height model
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_chm: Canopy height model (CHM) (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley digital terrain model
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_dtm)
Description: Danum Valley digital terrain model
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_dtm: Digital terrain model (DTM) (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley maximum canopy height
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pad_canopy_height)
Description: Danum Valley maximum canopy height
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pad_canopy_height: Maximum canopy height (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density kurtosis
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pad_kurt)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density kurtosis
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pad_kurt: Plant area density kurtosis (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density mean
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pad_mean)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density mean
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pad_mean: Plant area density central height (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley number of discrete plant area density layers
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pad_n_layers)
Description: Danum Valley number of discrete plant area density layers
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pad_n_layers: Plant area density number of layers (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density shannon index
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pad_shannon)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density shannon index
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pad_shannon: Plant area density Shannon index (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density shape
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pad_shape)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density shape
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pad_shape: Plant area density shape (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density skew
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pad_skew)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density skew
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pad_skew: Plant area density skew (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density standard deviation
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pad_std)
Description: Danum Valley plant area density standard deviation
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pad_std: Plant area density standard deviation (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pai)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pai: Plant area index (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 2 m and 10 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pai_02_10m)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 2 m and 10 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pai_02_10m: Plant area index between 2 m and 10 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 10 m and 20 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pai_10_20m)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 10 m and 20 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pai_10_20m: Plant area index between 10 m and 20 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 20 m and 30 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pai_20_30m)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 20 m and 30 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pai_20_30m: Plant area index between 20 m and 30 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 30 m and 40 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pai_30_40m)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 30 m and 40 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pai_30_40m: Plant area index between 30 m and 40 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 40 m and 50 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pai_40_50m)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 40 m and 50 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pai_40_50m: Plant area index between 40 m and 50 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 50 m and 60 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pai_50_60m)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 50 m and 60 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pai_50_60m: Plant area index between 50 m and 60 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 60 m and 70 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pai_60_70m)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 60 m and 70 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pai_60_70m: Plant area index between 60 m and 70 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 70 m and 80 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_pai_70_80m)
Description: Danum Valley plant area index between 70 m and 80 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_pai_70_80m: Plant area index between 70 m and 80 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Danum Valley LiDAR point density
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Danum_point_density)
Description: Danum Valley LiDAR point density
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Danum_point_density: LiDAR point density (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau above-ground carbon density
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_acd)
Description: Maliau above-ground carbon density
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_acd: Above-ground carbon density (ACD) (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau canopy height model
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_chm)
Description: Maliau canopy height model
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_chm: Canopy height model (CHM) (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau digital terrain model
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_dtm)
Description: Maliau digital terrain model
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_dtm: Digital terrain model (DTM) (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau number of discrete plant area density layers
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pad_n_layers)
Description: Maliau maximum canopy height
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pad_n_layers: Plant area density number of layers (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau maximum canopy height
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pad_canopy_height)
Description: Maliau plant area density kurtosis
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pad_canopy_height: Maximum canopy height (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area density kurtosis
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pad_kurt)
Description: Maliau plant area density mean
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pad_kurt: Plant area density kurtosis (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area density mean
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pad_mean)
Description: Maliau number of discrete plant area density layers
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pad_mean: Plant area density central height (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area density shannon index
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pad_shannon)
Description: Maliau plant area density shannon index
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pad_shannon: Plant area density Shannon index (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area density shape
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pad_shape)
Description: Maliau plant area density shape
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pad_shape: Plant area density shape (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area density skew
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pad_skew)
Description: Maliau plant area density skew
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pad_skew: Plant area density skew (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area density standard deviation
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pad_std)
Description: Maliau plant area density standard deviation
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pad_std: Plant area density standard deviation (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area index
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pai)
Description: Maliau plant area index
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pai: Plant area index (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 2 m and 10 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pai_02_10m)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 2 m and 10 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pai_02_10m: Plant area index between 2 m and 10 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 10 m and 20 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pai_10_20m)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 10 m and 20 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pai_10_20m: Plant area index between 10 m and 20 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 20 m and 30 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pai_20_30m)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 20 m and 30 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pai_20_30m: Plant area index between 20 m and 30 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 30 m and 40 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pai_30_40m)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 30 m and 40 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pai_30_40m: Plant area index between 30 m and 40 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 40 m and 50 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pai_40_50m)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 40 m and 50 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pai_40_50m: Plant area index between 40 m and 50 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 50 m and 60 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pai_50_60m)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 50 m and 60 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pai_50_60m: Plant area index between 50 m and 60 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 60 m and 70 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pai_60_70m)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 60 m and 70 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pai_60_70m: Plant area index between 60 m and 70 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 70 m and 80 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_pai_70_80m)
Description: Maliau plant area index between 70 m and 80 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_pai_70_80m: Plant area index between 70 m and 80 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: Maliau LiDAR point density
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet Maliau_point_density)
Description: Maliau LiDAR point density
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- Maliau_point_density: LiDAR point density (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE above-ground carbon density
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_acd)
Description: SAFE above-ground carbon density
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_acd: Above-ground carbon density (ACD) (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE maximum canopy height
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pad_canopy_height)
Description: SAFE canopy height model
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pad_canopy_height: Maximum canopy height (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE canopy height model
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_chm)
Description: SAFE digital terrain model
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_chm: Canopy height model (CHM) (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE digital terrain model
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_dtm)
Description: SAFE maximum canopy height
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_dtm: Digital terrain model (DTM) (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area density kurtosis
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pad_kurt)
Description: SAFE plant area density kurtosis
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pad_kurt: Plant area density kurtosis (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area density mean
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pad_mean)
Description: SAFE plant area density mean
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pad_mean: Plant area density central height (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE number of discrete plant area density layers
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pad_n_layers)
Description: SAFE number of discrete plant area density layers
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pad_n_layers: Plant area density number of layers (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area density shannon index
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pad_shannon)
Description: SAFE plant area density shannon index
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pad_shannon: Plant area density Shannon index (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area density shape
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pad_shape)
Description: SAFE plant area density shape
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pad_shape: Plant area density shape (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area density skew
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pad_skew)
Description: SAFE plant area density skew
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pad_skew: Plant area density skew (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area density standard deviation
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pad_std)
Description: SAFE plant area density standard deviation
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pad_std: Plant area density standard deviation (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area index
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pai)
Description: SAFE plant area index
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pai: Plant area index (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 2 m and 10 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pai_02_10m)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 2 m and 10 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pai_02_10m: Plant area index between 2 m and 10 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 10 m and 20 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pai_10_20m)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 10 m and 20 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pai_10_20m: Plant area index between 10 m and 20 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 20 m and 30 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pai_20_30m)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 20 m and 30 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pai_20_30m: Plant area index between 20 m and 30 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 30 m and 40 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pai_30_40m)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 30 m and 40 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pai_30_40m: Plant area index between 30 m and 40 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 40 m and 50 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pai_40_50m)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 40 m and 50 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pai_40_50m: Plant area index between 40 m and 50 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 50 m and 60 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pai_50_60m)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 50 m and 60 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pai_50_60m: Plant area index between 50 m and 60 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 60 m and 70 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pai_60_70m)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 60 m and 70 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pai_60_70m: Plant area index between 60 m and 70 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 70 m and 80 m above ground
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_pai_70_80m)
Description: SAFE plant area index between 70 m and 80 m above ground
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_pai_70_80m: Plant area index between 70 m and 80 m above ground (Field type: numeric)
Description: SAFE LiDAR point density
This file contains 1 data tables:
Attribute table for raster (described in worksheet SAFE_point_density)
Description: SAFE LiDAR point density
Number of fields: 1
Number of data rows: Unavailable (table metadata description only).
- SAFE_point_density: LiDAR point density (Field type: numeric)
Date range: 2014-10-15 to 2014-10-30
Latitudinal extent: 4.6000 to 5.0000
Longitudinal extent: 116.9000 to 117.9000
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