Published July 22, 2020 | Version v0.1.0
Dataset Open

Population scenarios for U.S. states consistent with Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

  • 1. Shanghai University and Population Council, Shanghai, CHINA


This is a data record of the input and output data associated with the following publication:

Jiang, L., B.C. O'Neill, H. Zoraghein, and S. Dahlke. 2020. Population scenarios for U.S. states consistent with Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Environmental Research Letters,

The accompanying code can be found here:  

Zoraghein, H., R. Nawrotzki, L. Jiang, and S. Dahlke (2020). IMMM-SFA/statepop: v0.1.0 (Version v0.1.0). Zenodo. 

The following detail the contents:

  • SSP<ssp_number>.zip
    • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_In_Mig.jpg
        • output figure for in-migration change through time for the target state
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_Net_Mig.jpg
        • output figure for net-migration change through time for the target state
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_Out_Mig.jpg
        • output figure for out-migration change through time for the target state
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_proj_in_mig.csv
        • projected age and gender specific number of domestic in-migration for the state over time
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_proj_net_mig.csv
        • projected age and gender specific number of domestic net-migration for the state over time
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_proj_out_mig.csv
        • projected age and gender specific number of domestic out-migration for the state over time
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_proj_pop.csv
        • projected age and gender specific number of population for the state over time
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_total_in_mig.csv
        • projected age and gender specific in-migration from other states to the current state over time
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_total_out_mig.csv
        • projected age and gender specific out-migration from the current state to other states over time
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>.jpg
        • figure for projected change of population for the state
    • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_in_mig.csv
        • a table containing gender- and age-specific migration rates from all states to the current state at the base year.
      • <state_number>_<state_abbreviation>_out_mig.csv
        • a table containing gender- and age-specific migration rates from the current state to all other states at the base year.
      • basePop.csv
        • a table containing gender- and age-specific counts of people in the current state at the base year (2010).
      • Constant_rate.csv
        • a table that constructs a constant scenario for fertility, mortality (life expectancy), urbanization level (required if we differentiate urban and rural), sex ratio at birth and net estimates of international migrants for the current state. The table is from 2010 to 2100 at 5 year intervals used for scenario building. The presented scenario, for instance, keeps everything constant at its historical record estimated from the data.
      • fertility.csv
        • a table containing age-specific fertility rates for the current state at the base year.
      • intMig.csv
        • a table containing gender- and age-specific proportions of international migrants to the current state at the base year.
      • mortality.csv
        • a table containing gender- and age-specific life expectancy and mortality rates for the current state at the base year (life table).



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