Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
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Syringophiloidus Kethley


Genus Syringophiloidus Kethley

Syringophiloidus Kethley, 1970: 48. Type-species: Syringophilus minor Berlese, 1887, by original designation.

agelaius Bochkov, Skoracki, Hendricks and Spicer, 2011: 209, fig. 4. Type material. Holotype female at NMNH (2056340, 4).

Hosts and distribution. Agelaius phoeniceus (type host) (Passeriformes: Icteridae), type-locality: USA, Arizona, Cibola National Wildlife Refuge (Bochkov et al. 2011).

Habitat. Unknown.

artamus Skoracki, 2004: 288, figs. 9–13.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (Syr. 52.1), paratypes: females, nymphs, larva at AMU, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Artamus leucorynchus (type host) (Passeriformes: Artamidae), type-locality: INDONESIA, Sumatra (Skoracki 2004a); Artamus fuscus (Artamidae), locality unknown, (AMU) (Skoracki 2004a).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

bombycillae Skoracki, 2002: 305, figs. 1–8.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (S-14.1.1), paratypes: females, males at AMU, ZISP, SMB. Hosts and distribution. Bombycilla garrulus (type host) (Passeriformes: Bombycillidae), type-locality: SLOVAKIA, Bardejov (Skoracki 2002b); POLAND, Rychlik, (AMU, ZISP, SNM) (Skoracki 2004a). Habitat. Secondary feathers.

carolae Skoracki, Flannery and Spicer, 2009: 66, figs. 6–9.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU, paratypes: females, nymphs at AMU. Hosts and distribution. Cardinalis cardinalis (type host) (Passeriformes: Cardinalidae), type-locality: USA, Texas, Jeff Davis Co. (Skoracki et al. 2009b); Melanerpes formicivorus (Piciformes: Picidae), USA, Texas, Hood Co., Jones Ranch, (SNM, AMU) (Skoracki et al. 2009b).

Habitat. Covert, secondary feathers.

carpodaci Bochkov and Apanaskevich, 2001: 323, fig. 3.

Type material. Holotype female at ZISP (T-Sy-17), paratypes: females, males at ZISP, IPAS. Hosts and distribution. Carpodacus erythrinus (type host) (Passeriformes: Fringillidae), type-locality: KAZAKHSTAN, South-Western Altai, Zyryanovskii Distr., near the village of Shumovsk (Bochkov & Apanaskevich 2001); POLAND, (AMU, ZISP, SNM) (Skoracki 2004a), RUSSIA, (ZISP) (Skoracki 2011b). Habitat. Secondary feathers.

coccothraustes Skoracki, 2011: 82, figs. 57, 58.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (Syr. 233), paratypes: females, male, nymphs, larvae at AMU, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Coccothraustes coccothraustes (type host) (Passeriformes: Fringillidae), type-locality: POLAND, Wielkopolskie, Katy near Poznan (Skoracki 2011b).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

cypsiuri Fain, Bochkov and Mironov, 2000: 51, figs. 53–58.

Type material. Holotype female at MRAC (187369), paratypes: female, males, nymphs at MRAC, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Cypsiurus parvus (type host) (Apodiformes: Apodidae), type-locality: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO, Kasai Prov. (Fain et al. 2000).

Habitat. Unknown.

daberti Bochkov, Fain and Skoracki, 2004: 144, figs. 27–31.

Type material. Holotype female at IRSNB (Sy-T-4), paratypes: females, male at IRSNB, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Passerina ciris (type host) (Passeriformes: Emberizidae), type-locality: MEXICO (Bochkov et al. 2004); P. ciris (Emberizidae), USA, Texas, Tarrant Co., (at author’s collection) (Bochkov et al. 2011).

Habitat. Unknown.

delichonum Bochkov, 2001: 151, fig. 2.

Type material. Holotype female at ZISP (T-Sy-18), paratypes: females, male at ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Delichon urbicum (type host) (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae), type-locality: RUSSIA, Kaliningrad Distr., Kurish Spit, Rybachyi (Bochkov 2001); POLAND, (AMU) (Skoracki 2004a). Habitat. Secondary feathers.

dendrocittae Fain, Bochkov and Mironov, 2000: 55, figs. 66–69. Type material. Holotype female at IRSNB (29040), paratypes: female, male, nymphs at IRSNB. Hosts and distribution. Dendrocitta vagabunda (type host) (Passeriformes: Corvidae), type-locality: EAST ASIA (Fain et al. 2000).

Habitat. Unknown.

erythrurus Skoracki, 2004: 293, figs. 19–23.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (Syr. 57), paratypes: female at AMU, ZISP, SNM. Hosts and distribution. Erythrura trichroa (type host) (Passeriformes: Estrildidae), type-locality: SPAIN, Tenerife (Skoracki 2004a); Lonchura sp. (Estrildidae), locality: unknown, (AMU, ZISP, SNM) (Skoracki 2004a). Habitat. Secondary feathers.

furthi Glowska and Schmidt, 2014: 61, figs. 6–11.

Type material. Holotype female at USNM, paratypes: females at AMU, USNM. Hosts and distribution. Terpsiphone rufiventer (type host) (Passeriformes: Monarchidae), type-locality: GABON, Ogooue Maritime Province, Moukalaba-Doudou National Park, NW corner of N'dogo Lagoon (Glowska & Schmidt 2014a).

Habitat. Unknown.

glandarii (Fritsch, 1958): 235, fig. 6, Syringophilus minor glandarii Fritsch, 1958: 235, Syringophiloidus glandarii, Bochkov and Mironov 1998: 14.

Type material. Lost (Kethley 1970).

Hosts and distribution. Garrulus glandarius (type host) (Passeriformes: Corvidae), type-locality: GERMANY (Fritsch 1958); RUSSIA, (ZISP) (Bochkov 2001); Pica pica (Corvidae), JAPAN, (AMU, ZISP, SNM) (Skoracki 2004a); Corvus monedula (Corvidae), KAZAKHSTAN, Ongtustik, Qazaqstan, (at author’s collection) (Skoracki & Bochkov 2010); C. frugilegus (Corvidae), KAZAKHSTAN, Ongtustik, Qazaqstan, (at author’s collection) (Skoracki & Bochkov 2010).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

Remark: Specimens recorded on Delichon urbica and determined as S. glandarii (Bochkov & Mironov 1998) belong to S. delichonum (Bochkov 2001). Specimens recorded on Coccothraustes coccothraustes and determined as S. glandarii (Fritsch 1958) belong to S. coccothraustes (Skoracki 2011b).

graculae Fain, Bochkov and Mironov, 2000: 51, figs. 59–65.

Type material. Holotype female at IRSNB (29039), paratypes: females, males, nymphs at IRSNB, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Gracula religiosa (type host) (Passeriformes: Sturnidae), type-locality: SOUTHEAST ASIA (Fain et al. 2000).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

hirundinis Skoracki, Møller and Tryjanowski, 2003: 17, figs. 1–8.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (S-40.1.1), paratypes: females, males at AMU, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Hirundo rustica (type host) (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae), type-locality: ITALY, Milano (Skoracki et al. 2003); POLAND, near Olsztyn, (AMU, ZISP, SNM) (Skoracki 2004a), UKRAINE, Chernobyl, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b), DENMARK, Kraghede, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b), SPAIN, Badajoz, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b).

Habitat. Secondary and tail feathers.

jackowiaki Bochkov, Skoracki, Hendricks and Spicer, 2011: 208, fig. 2.

Type material. Holotype female at SNM (2056340, 2), female paratypes at SNM, AMU, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Poecile carolinensis (type host) (Passeriformes: Paridae), type-locality: USA, Texas, Trinity Co., Davy Crocket National Forest (Bochkov et al. 2011).

Habitat. Unknown.

klimovi Skoracki and Bochkov, 2010: 61, figs. 26–34.

Type material. Holotype female at ZISP (AVB 07-2610-122), paratypes: females, male at ZISP, AMU. Hosts and distribution. Chloris chloris (type host) (Passeriformes: Fringillidae), type-locality: KAZAKHSTAN, Ongtustik, Qazaqstan (Skoracki & Bochkov 2010).

Habitat. Unknown.

microcerculus Sikora and Skoracki, 2012: 58, figs. 1–6.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (Syr.349), female paratypes at AMU, ZISP, ZSM. Hosts and distribution. Microcerculus marginatus (type host) (Passeriformes: Troglodytidae), type-locality: BRAZIL, Para, Peixe-Boi (Sikora & Skoracki 2012).

Habitat. Unknown.

minor (Berlese, 1887), Syringophilus bipectinatus minor Berlese, 1887: 10; Syringophilus minor minor, Fritsch 1958: 235, fig. 5; Syringophiloidus minor, Kethley 1970: 50, figs. 28, 29.

Type material. Lost (Kethley 1970).

Hosts and distribution. Passer domesticus (type host) (Passeriformes: Passeridae), type-locality: EUROPE (Berlese 1887); ENGLAND, (HRML) (Kethley 1970), SLOVAKIA, Kurov, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b), BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b), CROATIA, Split, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b), JORDAN, Al- Dhleil near Amman, (AMU) (Glowska et al. 2007), USA, (HRML) (Clark 1964), POLAND, Zachodniopomorskie, Darlowko Wschodnie, (AMU, SNB) (Skoracki 2004a), RUSSIA, (ZISP) (Bochkov & Mironov 1998), KIRGHIZIA, Bishkek, (ZISP, AMU) (Bochkov & Galloway 2001), GERMANY, (lost) (Fritsch 1958), CHINA, (at author’s collection) (Liu Bai-li 1988), CANADA, Manitoba, Winnipeg, (at author’s collection) (Bochkov & Galloway 2001); Passer montanus (Passeridae), RUSSIA, environs of Sankt Petersburg, Gumbaritsy village, (ZISP) (Bochkov & Mironov 1998); P. hispaniolensis (Passeridae), JORDAN, Al-Dhleil near Amman, (AMU) (Glowska et al. 2007); Serinus capistratus (Fringillidae), CONGO, (MRAC, AMU) (Skoracki & Dabert 2002). Habitat. Secondary, tertial, covert and tail feathers.

molothrus Skoracki, Flannery and Spicer, 2009: 66, figs. 1–5. Type material. Holotype female at AMU, paratype: nymph at AMU. Hosts and distribution. Molothrus ater (type host) (Passeriformes: Icteridae), type-locality: USA, Texas, Hood Co. (Skoracki et al. 2009b).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

montanus Skoracki, 2002: 310, figs. 17–23.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (S-16.1.1), paratypes: female, males, nymphs at AMU, ZISP, SMB. Hosts and distribution. Passer montanus (type host) (Passeriformes: Ploceidae), type-locality: SLOVAKIA, Bardejov (Skoracki 2002b).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

oriolus Skoracki, 2004: 283, figs. 1–8.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (Syr. 51.1), paratypes: females, males, larva at AMU, ZISP, SNM. Hosts and distribution. Oriolus oriolus (type host) (Passeriformes: Oriolidae), type-locality: WESTERN EUROPE (Skoracki 2004a); O. chinensis (Oriolidae), CHINA, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b). Habitat. Secondary feathers.

parapresentalis Skoracki, 2011: 63, figs. 42, 43.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (Syr. 187B), paratypes: females, males, nymphs at AMU, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Turdus merula (type host) (Passeriformes: Turdidae), type-locality: POLAND, Wielkopolskie, Jeziory, near Poznan (Skoracki 2011b); JORDAN, Al-Dheli, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b), KAZAKHSTAN, Ongtustik, Qazaqstan, (ZISP, AMU) (Skoracki 2011b); T. pilaris (Turdidae), POLAND, Pomorskie, Mierzeja Wislana, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b), SLOVAKIA, Preshov, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b), RUSSIA, Novogrod Prov., (ZISP) (Skoracki 2011b); T. iliacus (Turdidae), RUSSIA, Sankt Petersburg, Gumbaritsy village, (ZISP) (Skoracki 2011b); T. atrogularis (Turdidae), KAZAKHSTAN, Ongtustik, Qazaqstan, (ZISP, AMU) (Skoracki 2011b).

Habitat. Covert and tertial feathers.

petronicus Skoracki, 2011: 45, figs. 26–28.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (Syr.190), paratypes: females, male, nymph at AMU, ZISP, ZSM. Hosts and distribution. Petronia petronia (type host) (Passeriformes: Passeridae), type-locality: ITALY (Skoracki 2011b).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

philomelosus Skoracki, 2011: 43, figs. 24, 25.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (SYR.186), female paratypes at AMU, ZISP, ZSM. Hosts and distribution. Turdus philomelos (type host) (Passeriformes: Turdidae), type-locality: JORDAN, Al- Dhleil near Amman (Skoracki 2011b).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

picidus Skoracki, Klimovičová Muchai and Hromada 2014: 184, figs. 4, 5.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (Syr. 445), paratypes female and male at AMU, ZISP, NMK. Hosts and distribution. Dendropicos fuscescens (type host) (Piciformes: Picidae), type-locality: KENYA, Mutanda (Skoracki et al. 2014a); D. fuscescens (Picidae), UGANDA, Bombo, (AMU) (Skoracki et al. 2014a), UGANDA, Masindi, Bunyoro District, (AMU) (Skoracki et al. 2014a), TANZANIA, Songea, (AMU) (Skoracki et al. 2014a).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

presentalis Chirov and Kravtsova, 1995: fig. 4.

Type material. Lost (Skoracki 2011b).

Hosts and distribution. Sturnus vulgaris (type host) (Passeriformes: Sturnidae), KIRGHIZIA, Bishkek (Chirov & Kravtsova 1995), POLAND, Zachodniopomorskie, Swinoujscie, (AMU, ZISP) (Skoracki 2011b), SLOVAKIA, Bardejov, (AMU) (Skoracki 2011b), FRANCE, Brittany, Cotes d’Armor (ZISP) [This specimen was previously incorrectly determined as S. minor by Bochkov & Mironov (1998)].

Habitat. Covert and secondary feathers.

Remarks. This species was also reported from Garrulus glandarius (Bochkov & Mironov 1998), but after reexamination it was assigned to S. glandarii (Bochkov 2001). In Glowska et al. (2007) this species was incorrectly reported from Turdus merula. The mites inhabiting this host belong to S. parapresentalis (Skoracki 2011b).

pseudonigritae Glowska, Dragun-Damian and Dabert 2012: 65, figs. 1–6. Type material. Holotype female at AMU.

Hosts and distribution. Pseudonigrita arnaudi (type host) (Passeriformes, Ploceidae), type-locality: unknown. Habitat. Unknown.

GenBank Accession no.: JX266447 (COI gene fragment), voucher no. EG543 (Glowska et. al. 2012a).

quetzali Skoracki, Mironov and Unsoeld, 2013: 292, figs. 1–3.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU, paratypes: females, males at AMU, ZISP, ZSM. Hosts and distribution. Pharomachrus mocinno (type host) (Trogoniformes: Trogonidae), type-locality: GUATEMALA (Skoracki et al. 2013b); Pharomachrus antisianus (Trogonidae), ECUADOR, (AMU, ZSM) (Skoracki et al. 2013b).

Habitat. Secondary covert feathers.

seiuri (Clark, 1964), Syringophilus seiuri Clark, 1964: 81, figs. 24, 25; Syringophiloidus seiurus, Kethley 1970: 50; S. seiuri, Bochkov & Galloway 2001: 2025, fig. 9.

Type material. Holotype lost, paratypes at author’s collection (Kethley 1970).

Hosts and distribution. Seiurus aurocapilla (type host) (Passeriformes: Parulidae), type locality: USA, Maryland (Clark 1964), USA, Florida and South Carolina (Kethley 1970); Helmitheros Oreothlypis (Parulidae), USA (Clark 1964); Melospiza melodia (Emberizidae), USA (Clark 1964); Melospiza lincolnii (Emberizidae), USA, Texas, Johnson Co. (Bochkov et al. 2011); Oreothypis ruficapilla (Parulidae), USA, California (Bochkov et al. 2011); Quelea erythrops (Passeriformes: Ploceidae), TOGO, Evou, (MRAC, AMU) (Skoracki & Dabert 2002); Pachyphantes superciliosus (Passeridae), TOGO, Kamina, (MRAC, AMU) (Skoracki & Dabert 2002); Ploceus baglafecht (Ploceidae), CONGO Kivu Butembo, (MRAC, AMU) (Skoracki & Dabert 2002); Ploceus xanthops (Ploceidae), KENYA, Yimbo, (AMU, LMEE) (Klimovičová et al. 2014a).

serini Bochkov, Fain and Skoracki, 2004: 144, figs. 32–37.

Type material. Holotype female at Fain’s collection (Sy-T-5), paratypes: females, male IRSNB, ZIN and AMU. Hosts and distribution. Serinus mozambicus (type host) (Passeriformes: Fringillidae), type-locality: CENTRAL AFRICA (Bochkov et al. 2004).

Habitat. Unknown.

stawarczyki Skoracki, 2004: 291, figs. 14–18.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU (Syr.55.1), paratypes: females, nymphs at AMU, ZIN. Hosts and distribution. Euphonia cyanocephala (type host) (Passeriformes: Emberizidae), type-locality: BRAZIL (Skoracki 2004a); Tachyphonus rufus (Emberizidae), BRAZIL, (AMU, ZIN) (Skoracki 2004a). Habitat. Unknown.

tarnii Skoracki and Sikora, 2002: 2, figs. 1–9.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU, paratypes: females, males, nymphs at AMU, SMB, ZIN. Hosts and distribution. Pteroptochos tarni (type host) (Passeriformes: Rhinocryptidae), type locality: ARGENTINA, El Bolson, Rio Negro (Skoracki & Sikora 2002).

Habitat. Covert feathers.

teledromas Sikora, Kaszewska and Skoracki, 2014: 420, figs. 1–3.

Type material. Holotype female at AMU, paratypes: females, males at ZSM, AMU. Hosts and distribution. Teledromas fuscus (type host) (Passeriformes: Rhinocriptidae), type-locality: ARGENTINA, Rio Negro, Cipolletti, Neuquén (Sikora et al. 2014).

Habitat. Unknown.

thryothorus Skoracki, Flannery and Spicer, 2009: 69, figs. 14–18. Type material. Holotype female at NMNH, paratypes: females at NMNH, AMU. Hosts and distribution. Thryothorus ludovicianus (type host) (Passeriformes: Troglodytidae), type-locality: USA, Texas, Hood (Skoracki et al. 2009).

Habitat. Secondary feathers.

weiszii Skoracki, Hromada and Tryjanowski, 2001: 30, figs. 1, 2, 6–8. Type material. Holotype female at AMU (S54/66-1), paratypes: females at AMU, SMB, USIMC. Hosts and distribution. Lanius excubitor (type host) (Passeriformes: Laniidae), type locality: SLOVAKIA, Bardejov (Skoracki et al. 2001b).

Habitat. Greater covert feathers.

xanthocephalus Bochkov, Skoracki, Hendricks and Spicer, 2011: 208, fig. 3. Type material. Holotype female at SNM (2056340, 3), paratypes: females at SNM, AMU, SFSU, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus (type host) (Passeriformes: Icteridae), type-locality: USA, Arizona, Cibola National Wildlife Refuge (Bochkov et al. 2011).

Habitat. Unknown.

zonotrichia Bochkov, Skoracki, Hendricks and Spicer, 2011: 203, fig. 1.

Type material. Holotype female at SNM (2056340. 1), female paratypes at SNM, AMU, SFSU, ZISP. Hosts and distribution. Zonotrichia albicollis (type host) (Passeriformes: Emberizidae), type-locality: USA, Texas, Johnson Co., Garen Ranch (Bochkov et al. 2011).

Habitat. Unknown.


Published as part of Glowska, Eliza, Chrzanowski, Mateusz & Kaszewska, Katarzyna, 2015, Checklist of the Quill mites (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) of the World, pp. 1-81 in Zootaxa 3968 (1) on pages 30-35, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3968.1.1,


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  • Kethley, J. B. (1970) A revision of the family Syringophilidae (Prostigmata: Acarina). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, 5, 1 - 76.
  • Berlese, A. (1887) Acari, Myriapoda and Scorpiones. Padova, 37, 9 - 10.
  • Bochkov, A. V., Skoracki, M., Hendricks, S. A. & Spicer, G. S. (2011) Further investigations of the mite genus Syringophiloidus Kethley, 1970 (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) from North American passerines. Systematic Parasitology, 79, 201 - 211. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / s 11230 - 011 - 9306 - y.
  • Skoracki, M. (2002 b) Three new species of the ectoparasitic mites of the genus Syringophiloidus Kethley, 1970 (Acari: Syringophilidae) from passeriform birds from Slovakia. Folia Parasitologica, 49, 305 - 313. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.14411 / fp. 2002.057.
  • Skoracki, M., Flannery, M. E. & Spicer, G. S. (2009) New data on systematics of the quill mites of the genus Syringophiloidus Kethley, 1970 (Acari: Syringophilidae) from North American birds. Acta Parasitologica, 54, 64 - 72. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2478 / s 11686 - 009 - 0001 - y.
  • Bochkov, A. V. & Apanaskevich, D. (2001) Two new species of the family Syringophilidae (Acari: Cheyletoidea) from passeriform birds collected in the Altai. Folia Parasitologica, 48, 321 - 325. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.14411 / fp. 2001.050.
  • Fain, A., Bochkov, A. & Mironov, S. (2000) New genera and species of quill mites of the family Syringophilidae (Acari: Prostigmata). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 70, 33 - 70.
  • Bochkov, A. V., Fain, A. & Skoracki, M. (2004) New quill mites of the family Syringophilidae (Acari: Cheyletoidea). Systematic Parasitology, 57, 135 - 150. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1023 / B: SYPA. 0000013858.86399.69.
  • Glowska, E. & Schmidt, B. K. (2014 a) New quill mites (Cheyletoidea: Syringophilidae) parasitizing the black-headed paradiseflycatcher Terpsiphone rufiventer (Passeriformes: Monarchidae) in Gabon. Zootaxa, 3786 (1), 057 - 064. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3786.1.3.
  • Fritsch, W. (1958) Die milbengattung Syringophilus Heller, 1880 (subordo Trombidiformes, Fam. Myobiidae Megnin, 1877). Zoologische Jahrbucher Systematik, 86, 227 - 234.
  • Bochkov, A. V. & Mironov, S. V. (1998) Quill mites of the family Syringophilidae Lavoipierre, 1953 (Acariformes: Prostigmata) parasitic on birds (Aves) of the fauna of the former USSR. Acarina, 6, 3 - 16.
  • Skoracki, M. & Bochkov, A. V. (2010) Syringophilid mites from Kazakhstan. Zootaxa, 2546, 52 - 68.
  • Skoracki, M., Moller, A. P. & Tryjanowski, P. (2003) A new species of parasitic mites of the genus Syringophiloidus Kethley, 1970 (Acari: Syringophilidea) from the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Linnaeus, 1758. Parasite, 10, 17 - 20. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1051 / parasite / 2003101 p 17.
  • Glowska, E., Skoracki, M. & Khourly, F. (2007) A new species and new records of syringophilid mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Syringophilidae) from birds of Jordan. Zootaxa, 1635, 63 - 68
  • Clark, G. M. (1964) The acarine genus Syringophilus in North American birds. Acarologia, 6, 76 - 92.
  • Bochkov, A. V. & Galloway, T. D. (2001) Parasitic cheyletoid mites (Acari: Cheyletoidea) associated with passeriform birds (Aves: Passeriformes) in Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 79, 2014 - 2028. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / cjz- 79 - 11 - 2014.
  • Liu Bai-li, (1988) On three species of quill mites from Chine (Acari: Syringophilidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 13, 274 - 277.
  • Skoracki, M. & Dabert, J. (2002) A review of parasitic mites of the family Syringophilidae (Acari, Prostigmata) from African birds, with descriptions of four new species. Acta Parasitologica, 47, 137 - 146.
  • Skoracki, M., Klimovicova, M., Muchai, M. & Hromada, M. (2014 a) New taxa of the family Syringophilidae (Acari: Prostigmata) from the African barbets and woodpeckers (Piciformes: Lybiidae, Picidae). Zootaxa, 3768 (2), 178 - 188. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3768.2.5.
  • Chirov, P. A. & Kravtsova, N. T. (1995) A new genus and new species of mites of the family Syringophilidae. Parazitologiya, 29, 370 - 379. [in Russian]
  • Glowska, E., Dragun-Damian, A. & Dabert, J. (2012 a) A new quill mite Syringophiloidus pseudonigritae sp. nov. (Prostigmata, Syringophilidae) parasitizing Pseudonigrita arnaudi (Passeriformes, Ploceidae) - a combined description using morphology and DNA barcode data. Zootaxa, 3532, 64 - 68.
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