Published December 31, 2005 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pulvinaria glacialis Gertsson & Hodgson



PULVINARIA GLACIALIS Gertsson & Hodgson (Fig. 9)

Pulvinaria glacialis Gertsson & Hodgson, 2005: 14.

(Described from 3 specimens, 1 in good condition (but broken into two parts ­ description mainly taken from this specimen), 1 fair to poor and the other in poor condition.)

Mounted material: of moderate size, total body length 1.63 mm; antennae relatively short, about 3/5ths total length of body; body moderately setose, fleshy setae (fs) frequent on body but not always easy to separate from hairlike setae (hs) – each fs longer and stouter than hs; length of fs on antennae more than twice width of antennal segments.

Wings comparatively short, only about 3/4 total body length; breadth much less than half wing length. Hamulohalteres absent.

Head: approximately triangular in dorsal view; length 153–178µm, width across genae 178–190µm. Median crest (mc) narrow anteriorly, broad posteriorly and reticulated throughout; with about 4 fs + 4 hs dorsal head setae (dhs) on each side. Mid­cranial ridge: dorsal ridge very short; ventral ridge (vmcr) well defined but only extending about halfway to ocular sclerite posteriorly; with a broad reticulated border, broadest posteriorly, fusing with ocular sclerite; lateral arms (lmcr) normally developed; with 1 pair of hs ventral midcranial ridge setae (vmcrs). Genae (g) large and polygonally reticulated throughout, each reticulation without inner microridges; genal setae (gs): 10 or 11 fs on each side. Simple eyes: two pairs of oval simple eyes, subequal in size, each 33x 28 m wide. Ocelli (o) distinct, posterior to dorsal simple eyes (dse); each about 13µm wide. Ocular sclerite (ocs) polygonally reticulated throughout, each reticulation mainly without inner microridges. Preocular ridge (procr): dorsal arms short; ventral arms extending almost to mid­cranial ridge. Postocular ridge (pocr) well developed and extending well past posterior margin of each ocellus. Dorsal ocular setae (docs): 3 fs on each side. Ventral head setae (vhs): with about 5 or 6 fs on each side, mainly dorsad to ventral simple eyes; with none between or posterior to ventral eyes. Tentorial bridge (tb) well developed and broad. Cranial apophysis (ca) quite long (about 30µm) and with a rather square apex.

Antennae: 10 segmented (1 specimen with a 9­segmented antenna); 925–950µm long (ratio of total body length to antennal length 1:0.57). Scape (scp): 44–50µm long and 43– 45µm wide; with 1 hs on ventral surface and 2(–3) hs on inner margin. Pedicel (pdc): length 50–55µm, width 33–38µm; reticulated throughout, with 9 or 10 setae (short fs?) (campaniform pore not located); setae absent from dorsal surface. Segments III–IX all rather narrow, each about 16–24µm wide; fs about 33–45µm long (longest distally); segment lengths (µm): III: 76–81; IV: 162–173; V: 150–153; VI: 140–142; VII: 110–115; VIII: 87–92 and IX: 66–68; approximate number of setae per segment: III: 1 or 2 fs + 0 or 1 hs + 2 sensilla basiconica; IV: 21 fs + 0 hs; V: 21–25 fs + 0 or 1 hs; VI: 21 fs + 0 or 1 hs; VII: 18–22 fs + 0 hs; VIII: 13–18 fs + 0 hs + 1 bristle (abr) (barely differentiated from fs) and IX: 13 or 14 fs + 0 hs + 1 abr (barely differentiated from fs). Segment X: length 48– 53µm; not constricted apically; with 3 capitate setae (caps), 3 large and 2 small antennal bristles (abr) plus 6–8 fs; with at least 1 sensilla basiconica (sb) on apex.

Thorax. Prothorax: pronotal ridges (prnr) strong and not meeting medially; with a broad striated lateral pronotal sclerite (prn); without lateral pronotal setae (lpns). Medial pronotal setae (mpns) and lateral prothoracic setae (lpns) absent. Sternum (stn 1) with a strong transverse ridge; median ridge very short; sternite broad and triangular, with faint striations; prosternal setae (stn1s): 28 fs in total. Anteprosternal setae (astn1s): with 1 or 2 fs on each side. Antemesospiracular setae (am2s) absent.

Mesothorax: prescutum (prsc) distinctly wider than long (124–133µm wide and 70– 87µm long); without reticulations; prescutal ridge (pscr) and prescutal suture (pscs) well developed. Scutum (sct): median membranous area wider than long (115–132µm wide; about 53–63µm long); scutal setae (scts): 4–6 hs in total; lateral margins not reticulated; lateral margins without setae. Scutellum (scl) 115–137µm wide and 45–54µm long; foramen apparently variable, absent on one specimen and small on another; posterior notal wing process (pnp) long. Mesopostnotum (pn2) and postnotal apophysis (pna) well developed. Basisternum (stn2) about 178–200µm wide and 107–125µm long; with a complete, moderately strong median ridge (mdr), bounded by strong marginal (mr) and precoxal ridges (pcr2); without basisternal setae (stn2s); lateropleurite (lpl) quite broad, with a sclerotised extension from marginal ridge anteriorly; setae on lateropleurite absent; furca (f) well developed and extending anteriorly about 2/3rds to marginal ridge. Postalare (pa) not reticulated at anterior end; without postalare setae (pas). Mesothoracic spiracles (sp2): peritremes 21–23µm wide. Postmesospiracular setae (pm2s) absent. Tegula (teg): well developed, with 2–6 stout tegular setae (tegs).

Metathorax: metapostnotum (pn3) represented by a narrow transverse sclerotisation; metatergal seta (mts): 1 hs on each side. Metapleural ridge (plr3): only posterior half present but well developed; episternum (eps3) quite well developed; postmetaspiracular setae (eps3s): 9–14 fs on each side; metepimeron (epm3) sclerotised, without setae. Antemetaspiracular setae (am3s) and dorsospiracular setae (dss) absent. Metathoracic spiracles (sp3): width of peritremes 21–23µm. Metasternum (stn3) membranous. Anterior metasternal setae (amss): about 18 fs; posterior metasternal setae (pmss): about 5 fs.

Wings: hyaline, of moderate length (1150–1175 µm) and width (385–400µm) (ratio of length to width 1:0.42; ratio of total body length to wing length 1:0.72). Hamulohalteres absent.

Legs: subequal in length. Coxae (cx): I: 103; II: 100; III: 103–108µm long; coxal III setae: about 17–19 fs + 2–4 hs; long apical seta on each coxa about 68µm long. Trochanter (tr) + femur (fm): I: 207; II: 207–210; III: 186–190µm long; trochanter III with about 6–8 fs + 0–4 hs; long trochanter seta about 75–90µm long; femur III with about 24 fs + 5 hs. Tibia (ti): I: 245–250; II: 240–260; III: 250–275µm; tibia III with about 50–55 setae, many spur­like on distal third of leg; single apical spur (tibs) large, 25–30µm long. Tarsi (ta): I: 66–83; II: 82–92; III: 82–95µm long (ratio of length of tibia III to length of tarsus III 1:0.33); tarsus III with about 28–30 setae, many spur­like; without tarsal campaniform pores (tcp); distal tarsal spur (tabs) 26–28µm long; tarsal digitules (tdt) subequal to length of claw. Claws (c) about twice as long as width of tarsi, slightly curved, without a denticle (cd); length: III: 33µm; claw digitules (cdt) a little longer than claw.

FIGURE 9. Pulvinaria glacialis Gertsson & Hodgson. Where A = cranial apophysis; B = reticulations on gena; C = reticulations on ocular sclerite; J = apical antennal segment; K = ventral view of genital segment, and L = claw. And where aas = ante­anal setae; aed = aedeagus; astn1s = anteprosternal setae; bma = basal membranous area; bra = basal rod of aedeagus; ce = caudal extension on abdominal segment VIII; docs = dorsal ocular setae; eps3s = postmetaspiracular setae; fs = fleshy setae; hs = hair­like setae; mc = median crest; mdr = median ridge; psp = minute pores on apex of penial sheath; pss = small setae on margins of penial sheath; sct = scutum; scts = scutal setae; stn1s = prosternal setae, and tabs = distal tarsal spur­like setae.

Abdomen: segments I–VII: dorsally with small tergites (at) along anterior margins of all segments, becoming larger on V–VII; sternites (as) large on II, III and VII, smaller on other segments; with a broad membranous area between sterna II & III, III & IV and IV & V. Caudal extension (ce) of segment VII pronounced and mildly sclerotised. Dorsal abdominal setae (ads) (totals across segment): I 1 fs + 1 hs; II–VI 0–5 fs + 0–3 hs; VII 0 or 1 hs. Pleural setae: per side: dorsopleural setae (dps): II 0 hs; III–VI 1 or 2 hs; ventropleural setae (vps) II & III 0 fs + 0 hs; IV–VI 1 hs; VII (dorso­ + ventro­pleural setae combined): 20–28 fs (largest 38–45µm long) + 1 hs. Ventral abdominal setae (avs): (on each side): II 6 fs; III–VI 8–12 fs + 0–2 hs; VII: 18 fs + 0 hs.

Segment VIII: tergite (at) present, with 5 fs + 2 hs? ante­anal setae (aas); sternite (as) without ventral abdominal setae (avs); caudal extension (ce) rounded, with 2 fs + 1 hs pleural setae (longest about 40µm). Glandular pouch (gp) present, deep; each with 2 glandular pouch setae (gls), each 83–115µm long.

Genital segment: penial sheath (ps) quite short, 190–217µm long and 70–80µm wide at base; about 1/8th total body length (ratio of total body length to penial sheath length 1:0.13); with more or less parallel margins and then quickly narrowing towards apex. Basal rod (bra) longer than aedeagus (aed) and not reaching basal membranous area (bma) anteriorly, length 50µm; distance to bma 70µm. Aedeagus (aed) very short, 40–45µm long (ratio of length of aedeagus to length of basal rod 1:1.12), with almost parallel sides. Penial sheath with 5 or 6 small setae (pss) along each margin, and with a few small sensilla (psp) near apex.

Material examined. GREENLAND: Itivleq east, 23.vii.2003: 1/1adΨ (good); Sydgrønland, Kap Farvel­omradet, Pamiagdluk, Anordliūitsoq; 20.vii.1970: 2/2adΨΨ (fairpoor)(plus 1Ψ Eriococcus pseudinsignis) (ZMUC).

Comment. As this is the only species of Coccidae known from Greenland, the male of P. g l a c i a l i s is easily separable from the other male Coccoidea described here and makes identification highly probable. The main differences from the other males covered here are the following combination of characters: (i) long penial sheath; (ii) large membranous area on scutum; (iii) presence of distinct caudal extensions on abdominal segment VII; (iv) absence of tarsal campaniform pores; (v) claw digitules well developed; (v) antennal segments all rather elongate; (vi) gena with polygonal reticulations; (vii) ocular sclerite with polygonal reticulations throughout; (viii) wings without alar setae and alar sensoria; (ix) presence of a broad pronotal sclerite; (x) cranial apophysis well developed and obvious; (xi) absence of loculate pores except in glandular pouches; and (xii) fleshy setae frequent throughout body.

The female of P. glacialis is quite similar to another arctic species, P. ellesmerensis Richards, 1964, from Ellesmere Is., in arctic Canada. Unfortunately Richards did not describe the adult male of P. ellesmerensis and none was available during this study.

Discussion. The biogeography of the Coccoidea of Greenland was discussed by Gertsson & Hodgson (2005).


Published as part of Hodgson, Chris, 2005, The adult males of Coccoidea (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) known from Greenland, pp. 1-48 in Zootaxa 907 on pages 43-47, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.170989


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  • Gertsson, C-A. & Hodgson, C. J. (2005) Four new species of mealybug (Pseudococcidae) and a new species of soft scale (Coccidae: Coccoidea: Hemiptera) from Greenland and redescriptions of a mealybug and a soft scale from arctic Canada. Zootaxa, 897, 1 - 24.
  • Richards, W. R. (1964) The scale insects of the Canadian Arctic (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Canadian Entomologist, 96, 1457 - 1462.