Published June 5, 2024 | Version v1
Publication Open

DDI Alliance Strategic Plan, 2024-2027



The DDI Alliance commits to meeting our users’ needs and championing innovation. To do this, we will work during the 2024-2027 time period to align and consolidate DDI standards and toolchains into a truly integrated product ecosystem, with clear signposting for users. This work will position us in the future as a global first-choice provider for interoperable metadata and data
standards and tools.

Looking ahead to the next three years, the DDI Alliance commits to the following three priorities:

  • Engaging the DDI community
  • Expanding the DDI community
  • Aligning DDI development

We plan to address these priorities by launching targeted campaigns aimed at specific user groups. These campaigns will involve a range of activities such as conducting market research, identifying DDI champions, recruiting potential new members and users, and developing tailored support materials and events.


DDI Alliance Strategic Plan, 2024-2027.pdf

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