Published July 12, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

A compilation of beryllium-isotope, element, and grainsize data from sediments sampled from Prydz Bay and beneath Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica

  • 1. ROR icon University of Canberra
  • 2. ROR icon National Research Center on Human Evolution
  • 3. ROR icon Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
  • 4. ROR icon Geoscience Australia
  • 5. ROR icon Murdoch University
  • 6. ROR icon Australian National University
  • 7. ROR icon University of Queensland


All tables are included in a single .xlsx file across three sheets. Each sheet includes sample information data: expedition and sample location information, reference to corresponding method section in text, and a reference to the source of the method employed for different procedures, or the reference to source data. Footnotes are used where necessary to explain a component of a table.

Supplementary Table 1: All beryllium data used for Sequential, Grainsize, Partial, and Total experiments described in text. 10Be concentration and corresponding 1-sigma (10^8 at/g), 9Be concentration and corresponding 1-sigma (10^15 at/g), and the 10Be/9Be ratio and corresponding 1-sigma (10^-8 at/at).

Supplementary Table 2: Element concentrations (µg/g) from samples across open marine and sub-ice shelf environments and their resultant enrichment factors (EF). Enrichment factors calculated using in text Equation 1. Estimated crustal abundance and ratio displayed below the data table.

Supplementary Table 3:  Grainsize of samples used in this study. 



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

Additional details


Postgraduate Research Award 12384
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Access proposal AP11844
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Access proposal AP13005
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation


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