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Published June 16, 2024 | Version v2.0.0
Dataset Restricted

Metagenomic insights into microbial community structure and metabolism in alpine permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau


  • 1. Institute of Botany, CAS


Microbes in Tibetan permafrost

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This project repository associated with the following manuscript:

  • Luyao Kang, Yutong Song, Rachel Mackelprang, Dianye Zhang, Shuqi Qin, Leiyi Chen, Linwei Wu, Yunfeng Peng and Yuanhe Yang*. Metagenomic insights into microbial community structure and metabolism in alpine permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau.


        Permafrost, characterized by its frozen soil, serves as a unique habitat for diverse microorganisms. Understanding these microbial communities is crucial for predicting the response of permafrost ecosystems to climate change. However, large-scale evidence regarding stratigraphic variations in microbial profiles remains limited. Here, we analyze microbial community structure and functional potential based on 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and metagenomic data obtained from a ∼1,000 km permafrost transect on the Tibetan Plateau. We find that microbial alpha diversity declines but beta diversity increases down the soil profile. Microbial assemblages are primarily governed by dispersal limitation and drift; the importance of drift decreases but that of dispersal limitation increases with soil depth. Moreover, genes related to reduction reactions (e.g., ferric iron reduction, dissimilatory nitrate reduction, and denitrification) are enriched in the subsurface and permafrost layers. In addition, microbial groups involved in alternative electron accepting processes are more diverse and contribute highly to community-level metabolic profiles in the subsurface and permafrost layers, likely reflecting the lower redox potential and more complicated trophic strategies for microorganisms in deeper soils. Overall, these findings provide comprehensive insights into large-scale stratigraphic profiles of microbial community structure and functional potentials in permafrost regions.

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