Dataset for manuscript "Isolating aerosol-climate interactions in global kilometre-scale simulations"
This dataset includes two Jupyterlab book python script and a folder of compressed data.
Due to the size of the dataset we are unable to include the raw simulation output but have instead inluded all datasets required to plot the figures.
The python script "original_analysis_script.ipynb" contains the code that was used to perform the analysis on the outputs from the simulations. This is not intended for public use.
The python script "figure_plotting_scripts.ipynb" is a cut-down verison of the original code that can be used to plot the figures as presented in the manuscript. All neccessary data to achieve this can be found in the compressed folder "data_arrays".
The scripts will run on Jupyterlab book. Providing the user has the neccessary python modules available the plotting script can be run by amending the paths for the figure outout directory and the uncompressed "data_arrays" directory. These paths can be found at the top of the script.