Data from the manuscript: Exploring the stereochemistry-specific tendency for interdigitation in synthetic monomycoloyl glycerol analogs through molecular dynamics simulations
Data from the article "Exploring the stereochemistry-specific tendency for interdigitation in synthetic monomycoloyl glycerol analogs through molecular dynamics simulations"
Suvi Heinonen, Artturi Koivuniemi, Matthew Davies, Mikko Karttunen, Camilla Foged, and Alex Bunker
Four membrane configurations:
1. single = single bilayer (512 MMG molecules and 25600 water molecule)
2. db_large = large double bilayer (1024 MMG molecules and 51200 water molecules)
3. id_small = interdigitated double bilayer (256 MMG molecules and 12800 water molecules)
4. db_small = small double bilayer (256 MMG molecules and 12800 water molecules)
Each membrane configuration has 2 different MMG analogs:
1. MMG1 = MMG-1, 1:1 racemic mixture of stereoisomers with (2R,3S)/(2S,3R) configurations
2. MMG6 = MMG-6, 1:1 racemic mixture of stereoisomers with (2R,3R)/(2S,3S) configurations
File names:
Each trajectory folder contains starting structures, input structure files, trajectory, energy file and system topology file.
Additionally, the .mdp files and topologies are located in their own folders.
- start.gro = starting structure before energy minimization**
- eq.gro = input structure file for production
- eq.cpt = equilibration checkpoint file
- run.gro = final frame structure file
- run.cpt = production checkpoint file
- run.tpr = production tpr file
- run.xtc = production trajectory file, final 500 ns
- run.edr = production energy file, final 500 ns
the db_large system is built with equilibrated db_small system, hence the starting structure is before the equilibration.
Molecular dynamics parameter files can be found in their own folder (05_mdps/). Files for energy minimization,
equilibration and production run are provided.
- em1_charmm36.mdp = 1st energy minimization (for all systems)
- em_charmm36.mdp = 2nd energy minimization (for all systems)
- eq1_noposres_charmm36.mdp = equilibration without position restraints (for single)
- eq1_posresin_charmm36.mdp = equilibration with O1 atoms constrained in Z-direction (for db_large, id_small, db_small)
- production_charmm36.mdp = production run (for all systems)
Topologies and position restraint files:
System topologies for each MMG analog can be found in their own folders (06_top/MMG1/, 06_top/MMG6/).
Molecular topologies, forcefield parameters and position restraint files can be found from their respective folders (06_top/MMG1/topol/, 06_top/MMG6/topol/).
- = MMG-1 large double-bilayer system
- = MMG-1 small systems: interdigitated and non-interdigitated double bilayers
- = MMG-1 single bilayer system
- forcefield.itp = force field parameters
- TIP3_CHARMM36.itp = water model
- MMG1_2R3S_outer.itp = outer leaflet 2R3S MMG-1
- MMG1_2S3R_outer.itp = outer leaflet 2S3R MMG-1
- MMG1_2R3S_inner.itp = inner leaflet 2R3S MMG-1
- MMG1_2S3R_inner.itp = inner leaflet 2S3R MMG-1
- posres_MMG1_tail_z.itp = position restraints on MMG tails in z-direction
- posres_MMG1_O1_z.itp = position restraints on MMG headgroup O1 atom in z-direction
- = MMG-6 large double-bilayer system
- = MMG-6 small systems: interdigitated and non-interdigitated double bilayers
- = MMG-6 single bilayer system
- forcefield.itp = force field parameters
- TIP3_CHARMM36.itp = water model
- MMG6_2S3S_outer.itp = outer leaflet 2S3S MMG-6
- MMG6_2R3R_outer.itp = outer leaflet 2R3R MMG-6
- MMG6_2S3S_inner.itp = inner leaflet 2S3S MMG-6
- MMG6_2R3R_inner.itp = inner leaflet 2R3R MMG-6
- posres_MMG6_tail_z_2R3R.itp = position restraints on tails in z-direction
- posres_MMG6_tail_z_2S3S.itp = position restraints on tails in z-direction
- posres_MMG6_O1_z.itp = position restraints on MMG headgroup O1 atom in z-direction
Additional details
- Submitted