Published January 1, 1942 | Version v1
Other Open

Topographische Karte 1:50 000 Wohlthat-Massiv, Antarktis

  • 1. Jena (DE)


South-facing hillshaded Topographic map, German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39; Stereophotogrammetric evaluation of aerial oblique reconnaissance photography; Exposure dates: 3 and 4 February 1939; Geomorphologic and glaciologic details, see map legend; Annex map 1 of 3 to Ritscher, A., (1942);
Scale: 1:50000;
Bounding Box: POLYGON ((13 -71.1667, 14.1667 -71.1667, 14.1667 -71.4167, 13 71.4167, 13 -71.1667))


BKG-ANT221_Top Map_Wohlthatmassiv (Central)_50k_DAE1938-39_1942.pdf

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Additional details


  • Ritscher, A., (1942), Die Deutsche Antarktische Expedition 1938/39, Wissenschaftliche und fliegerische Ergebnisse, Band 1 - Textteil und Bilder- und Kartenteil (57 reconnaisance photos, 3 maps), commissioned by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig