Published April 12, 2024 | Version v1
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Code and results for Kahiluoto et al. (2024), Redistribution of nitrogen to feed the people on a safer planet, PNAS Nexus

  • 1. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)


Code and final results of N distribution analysis
to compute national/sub-national nitrogen response curves
from the GGCMI Phase 2 emulators
(Franke et al. 2020, doi: 10.5194/gmd-13-3995-2020)
and to compute optimized N distribution patterns.

written by Christoph Müller, PIK
Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3)


1) compute_national_nitrogen_response_curves_all2.R

R-script to optimize the N distribution for different models (or the ensemble), optimization targets and crops. 

2) job description files for submitting data to PIK cluster

All *.jcf files can be used to submit the optimization jobs to the PIK cluster via the SLURM system (sbatch *.jcf)

3) results

The file 220324_all_scenarios.xlsx contains the main results for the GGCMI ensemble. It was combined by hand from the original csv files outputted by the R script.
The other *.xlsx files contain the results for individual GGCMs (name given in file name) for the sensitivity analysis.


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