Published March 16, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Notoberyx Schwarzhans & Mors & Engelbrecht & Reguero & Kriwet 2017, gen. nov.

  • 1. Ahrensburger Weg 103, D- 22359 Hamburg, Germany; & Natural History Museum of Denmark, Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK- 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark;
  • 2. Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Palaeobiology, P. O. Box 5007, SE- 10405 Stockholm, Sweden;
  • 3. University of Vienna, Department of Palaeontology, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria;
  • 4. Museo de La Plata, Division ́ Paleontolog ́ ıa de Vertebrados, Paseo del Bosque s / n, B 1900 FWA La Plata, Argentina


Genus Notoberyx gen. nov.

Type species. Notoberyx cionei sp. nov.

Etymology. From notos (Greek) = southern winds, and the genus name Beryx, referring to the southern occurrence of the type species.

Diagnosis. Very high-bodied otoliths with a ratio OL:OH between 0.7 and 0.85. Dorsal rim expanded across entire length. Ventral rim deep. Rostrum short, blunt, not much extending beyond level of antirostrum. Ostium short, narrow, only slightly widened ventrally. Cauda long, distinctly turned upwards towards its tip. CaL:OsL = 1.3—1.7.

Remarks. The general appearance of Notoberyx is typical for trachichthyid otoliths with the deep ventral rim and the upward bent cauda. They are, however, readily distinguished from the many other otolith-based genera of the family known from the Late Cretaceous and Palaeogene by the high body and the short and narrow ostium combined with a short rostrum.

Included species. The type species N. cionei sp. nov. described below from the Eocene of Antarctica, and N. madseni (Schwarzhans, 2007), originally described as ‘genus Caproidarummadseni from the early Eocene of Denmark.


Published as part of Schwarzhans, Werner, Mors, Thomas, Engelbrecht, Andrea, Reguero, Marcelo & Kriwet, Jurgen, 2017, Before the freeze: otoliths from the Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctica, reveal dominance of gadiform fishes (Teleostei), pp. 147-170 in Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15 (2) on pages 159-160, DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2016.1151958,


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  • Schwarzhans, W. 2007. Otoliths from casts from the Eocene Lillebaelt Clay Formation of Trelde Naes near Fredericia (Denmark), with remarks on the diet of stomatopods. Neues Jahrbuch fur ¨ Geologie und Palaontologie ¨, Abhandlungen, 246, 69 - 81.