Published November 10, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Austrotindaria Fleming 1948

  • 1. Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA; & Earth Sciences, Plymouth University, Plymouth, PL 4 8 AA, UK; & Department of Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, SW 7 5 BD, UK;
  • 2. Earth Sciences, Plymouth University, Plymouth, PL 4 8 AA, UK; & Department of Geology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
  • 3. Department of Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, SW 7 5 BD, UK;


Genus Austrotindaria Fleming, 1948

Type species. Austrotindaria wrighti Fleming 1948; Holocene, Quaternary; Southland, New Zealand.

Diagnosis. Delicate almost smooth shell, with weak concentric sculpture. A short, edentulous gap between the posterior and anterior hinge plates. No pallial sinus and without rostrum.

Remarks. The Neilonellidae comprises three valid genera: Neilonella, Austrotindaria and Pseudoneilonella (La Perna 2007). The convex shape of the posterior margin and the presence of an opisthodetic ligament in our specimens indicate better agreement with Austrotindaria than Neilonella (Di Geronimo & La Perna 1997; La Perna 2007). Austrotindaria differs from Neilonella and Pseudoneilonella by having a delicate, almost smooth shell rather than a sturdy, sculptured shell, and by having a small elongate pit below the posterior and anterior teeth (La Perna 2007). This genus is currently known from the Miocene to Recent (La Perna 2007; Coan & Valentich-Scott 2012), and the specimens identified in his study extend the range of the genus to the beginning of the Triassic.


Published as part of Foster, William J., Danise, Silvia & Twitchett, Richard J., 2017, A silicified Early Triassic marine assemblage from Svalbard, pp. 851-877 in Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15 (10) on page 858, DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2016.1245680,


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Austrotindaria Fleming, 1948 sec. Foster, Danise & Twitchett, 2017


  • Fleming, C. A. 1948. New species and genera of marine Mollusca from the Southland fiords. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 77, 72 - 92.
  • La Perna, R. 2007. Taxonomy of the family Neilonellidae (Bivalvia, Protobranchia): Miocene and Plio - Pliestocene species of Pseudoneilonella Laghi, 1986 from Italy. Veliger, 49, 196 - 208.
  • Di Geronimo, I. & La Perna, R. 1997. Pleistocene bathyal molluscan assemblages from southern Italy. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 103, 1 - 10.
  • Coan, E. V. & Valentich-Scott, P. 2012. Bivalve seashells of tropical West America. Marine bivalve mollusks from Baja California to northern Peru. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Monographs 6, Santa Barbara, CA, 1258 pp.