Published December 31, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Psolidium tenue Mortensen. A 1925

  • 1. Marine Biology Section, Museum Victoria, GPO Box 666, Melbourne, 3001, Victoria, Australia (email: pmo @ bigpond. net. au)
  • 2. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, MRC- 163, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, PO Box 37012, Washington DC, 20013 - 7012, USA


Psolidium tenue Mortensen

Figures 3e, f; 6 c-f

Psolidium tenue Mortensen, 1925: 8–9, text figs 4–5.

Psolidium incertum.— O’Loughlin et al., 1994: 552, 554 (non Psolidium incertum (Théel, 1886) = Psolidium poriferum (Studer, 1876)).

Material examined. Antarctic Peninsula, 90 m, USNM E40789 (1 specimen); 265 m, E40790 (1); 100–200 m, E40791 (2); 270 m, E40792 (6); 330 m, E40793 (2); 212 m, E40794 (1); 311 m, E40796 (1); 325 m, E40801 (1); 670 m, USNM 1005859 (2); Discovery stns 181, Palmer Archipelago, 160–335 m, BM(NH) 2008.3191 (1); 182, 278–500 m, BM(NH) 2008.3192 (1); 187, 0–195 m, BM(NH) 2008.3193 (1); 190, 0–250 m, BM(NH) 2008.3194-3196 (3); 599, W of Adelaide I., 0–150 m, BM(NH) 2008.3197-3198 (2).

Ross Sea, 923 m, USNM E40776 (1); NIWA Tangaroa 0802, 67- 74°S 167°E- 179°W, 420–866 m, NIWA 36003 (1); 36027 (20); 38102 (1); 38545 (1); 38815 (4); 38842 (1); 38872 (1); 38884 (18); 38956 (9); 45698 (3); 45727 (2); 45728 (1); Discovery stns 1644, 626 m, BM(NH) 2008.3199 (1); 1649, 695 m, BM(NH) 2008.3200-3201 (2); 1652, 0–500 m, BM(NH) 2008.3202-3205 (4); 1660, 0–351 m, BM(NH) 2008.3206-3208 (3); 2200, Balleny Is, 512–532 m, BM(NH) 2008.3209-3218 (11); NZOI Endeavour stns A461, 0–550 m, NIWA 43870 (many specimens); A 466, 555 m, NIWA 43871 (many); A 521, 569 m, NIWA 43872 (5); A531B, 348 m, NIWA 44705 (1); A 537, 546 m, NIWA 43873 (4); D 216, 463 m, NIWA 43874 (4); E 199, 278 m, NIWA 43875 (2); E 200, 646 m, NIWA 43876 (1); E 203, 187 m, NIWA 43877 (4); E220A, 371 m, NIWA 43883 (many); E220B, 371 m, NIWA 43878 (many); E212B, 91 m, NIWA 43879 (1).

Wilkes Land, 183 m, USNM E40799 (1); BANZARE stn 97, 474 m, SAM K2347 (1).

Prydz Bay, 320–768 m, NMV F68113 (2); F68116 (1); F68117 (2); F107415 (1); F107416 (1); F105417 (1); F107437 (1); F107438 (1); F107442 (1); F107443 (1); F107447 (1); SAM K2219 (1); BANZARE stn 103, SAM K2348 (4).

New Zealand, Antipodes I., 2100 m, USNM 1004885 (1).

Diagnosis. Psolidium species up to 50 mm long; body form elongate, narrow, high; dorsal and lateral scales conspicuous, thin, smooth, up to 3.0 mm wide; dorsal and lateral tube feet inconspicuous.

Sole: outer peripheral single series of smaller tube feet; inner peripheral single series of larger tube feet; lacking mid-ventral radial series of tube feet.

Dorsal ossicles: multi-layered perforated plates (scales), single-layered marginally, reticulate thickenings from near margin towards centre, multi-layered centrally; rarely any development of smooth white thickening with smaller perforations; rarely any development of radiating-to-margin thickenings; up to 3 tube foot canals per plate; rare tube foot support plates; endplates small, mesh-like.

Sole ossicles: throughout most of sole rare, small, smooth, thin, irregularly shaped perforated plates, 0–8 large perforations, up to 230 μ m long; sometimes as regular 4-holed plates with slightly knobbed margin, sometimes with surface knobs, plates 100–200 μ m long; near margin of sole and peripheral tube feet some thicker irregular perforated rod-plates, up to 570 μ m long, intergrading with irregularly oval thick perforated plates, with secondary layering, up to 480 μ m long.

Tentacles: largest tentacle trunk ossicles predominantly long, narrow, thick, rod-plates (rods joined to create perforations) and perforated plates with prominent rod thickenings; not predominantly smooth perforated plates; rod-plates variably straight or bent or curved, up to 800 μ m long.

Colour (preserved). Body variably dark brown to pale brown to off-white; coarse red-brown flecking dorso-laterally; scales with a light-coloured “haloed” marginal appearance.

Distribution. Antarctic Peninsula, Ross Sea, Wilkes Land, Prydz Bay, 90–923 m; New Zealand, Antipodes I., 2010–2100 m.

Remarks. We raise Psolidium tenue Mortensen, 1925, out of a synonymy by Gutt (1988) with Psolidium incertum (Théel, 1886), synonymised above with Psolidium poriferum (Studer, 1876). P. poriferum is an almost exclusively Sub-Antarctic species. The single type specimen for Psolidium tenue Mortensen, 1925, was taken north of Discovery Inlet in the Ross Sea from 640 m. There are no inconsistencies between the original description and the material studied here from the Ross Sea. The length (preserved length of 30 mm), paucity of ossicles in the sole, single small knob sometimes present on the ossicles in the sole, and size of ossicles in the sole are all consistent with the Ross Sea material. Psolidium tenue Mortensen, 1925, is distinguished diagnostically by the rodplate form of the largest tentacle ossicles.


Published as part of O'Loughlin, P. Mark & Ahearn, Cynthia, 2008, Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic species of Psolidium Ludwig (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Psolidae), pp. 23-42 in Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65 on page 38, DOI: 10.24199/j.mmv.2008.65.2,


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Additional details


Collection code
Material sample ID
E40776 , E40789 , E40799 , USNM 1004885
Scientific name authorship
Mortensen. A
Taxon rank
Taxonomic concept label
Psolidium tenue A, 1925 sec. O'Loughlin & Ahearn, 2008


  • Mortensen, T. 1925. On a small collection of echinoderms from the Antarctic Sea. Arkiv for zoologi 17 A (31): 1 - 12, 8 figs.
  • O'Loughlin, P. M., Bardsley, T. M. and O'Hara, T. D. 1994. A preliminary analysis of diversity and distribution of Holothurioidea from Prydz Bay and the MacRobertson Shelf, Eastern Antarctica. Pp. 549 - 55, 1 fig., 2 tbls in: David, B., Guille, A., Feral, J-P. and Roux, M. (eds), Echinoderms through Time. Proceedings of the Eighth International Echinoderm Conference, Dijon, France, 6 - 10 September, 1993. Balkema, Rotterdam.
  • Theel, H. 1886. Report on the Holothurioidea dredged by HMS Challenger during the years 1873 - 1876. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of HMS Challenger, Zoology 14 (39): 1 - 290, 16 pls.
  • Studer, T. 1876. Uber Echinodermen aus dem antarktischen Meere und zwei neue Seeigel von den Papua-Inseln, gesammelt auf der Reise SMS Gazelle um die Erde. Monatsberichte der Koniglich Preussichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin. Pp. 452 - 65.
  • Gutt, J. 1988. Zur Verbreitung und Okologie der Seegurken (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) im Weddellmeer (Antarktis). Berichte zur Polarforschung 41: 1 - 87.