Published January 1, 1993 | Version v1
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Topographische Karte (Satellitenbildkarte)/Topographic Map (Satellite Image Map) 1:1 000 000 Ekströmisen SR 29-30, Antarktis


Satellite image map, Topographic map SR 29-30 Ekströmisen; Satellite imagery recorded 24 January 1986 - 13 October 1987, Satellite image mosaicking, Geocoding and Satellite image map compilation see: Sievers, J. et al. (1989, 1991); Inset maps: Location diagram, Index to adjoining sheets at 1:1 000 000 scale, Geographical names diagram, List of Landsat-MSS recording data and Satellite imagery coverage diagram; Sources used for: Satellite imagery, Topographic information, Spot heights, Geographical Norwegian, German and English names, Scientific references: see map legend; Series of 10 published maps at 1:1 000 000 scale based on the IMW map sheet numbering system: Ekströmisen SR 29-30, Lassiter Coast SS 19-21, Brunt Ice Shelf SS 25-27, Ritscherhochland SS 28-30, Ronne Ice Shelf ST 17-20, Berkner Island ST 21-24, Coats Land ST 25-28, Institute Ice Stream SU 16-20, Filchnerschelfeis SU 21-25, Shackleton Range SU 26-30; Sources used for: Topographic information, Contours and spot heights, Ground control, Geographical names and generic terms, Scientific references, see map legend;
Scale: 1:1000000;
Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic; 
Bounding Box: POLYGON ((-12 -68, 0 -68, 0 -72, -13 -72, -13 -71, -12 -71, -12 -68));
Datum: WGS72


BKG-ANT046_Sat Map_SR29-30_Ekströmisen_1M_1993.pdf

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  • Map projection parameters have been used according to the recommendations of SCAR WG on Geodesy and Geographic Information; Sievers, J., et al. (1991). Die Topographische Karte und Satellitenbildkarte 1:500 000 Ekströmisen - Karten zur Schelfeiskinematic. Nachrichten aus dem Karten- und Vermessungswesen. Vol. I, No. 107, 49-54, Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt am Main, 1992; Sovetskaja Antarkticeskaja Ekspedicija, Atlas Antarktiki, p. 136-137, Moskva-Leningrad 1966; Sievers, J., Grindel, A., Meier, W. (1989), Digital satellite image mapping of Antarctica, Polarforschung, 59, 23-33; Sievers, J., Bennat, H. (1989): Reference systems of maps and geographic informartion systems of Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 1, 351-362, Cambridge; Illustrated Glossary of Snow and Ice, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, 2nd Ed. (1973) and Proposed New Terms and Definitions for Snow and Ice Features, Polar Record 18, No. 116, (1977); International Map of the World (IMW); Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica; UK Antarctic Placenames Committee; US Board on Geographic Names; Norwegian Map Series Dronning Maud Land 1:250 000; Index of German-language Antarctic place-names; Index of Russian geographical names of the Antarctic