Published December 31, 2006 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Campylaspis setifera Petrescu 2006, sp. nov.

  • 1. Grigore Antipa " National Museum of Natural History, Kiseleff 1, Bucharest 011341, Romania


Campylaspis setifera sp. nov.

Figures 33, 34

Material examined. Holotype female, Tas., off Freycinet Peninsula, 42°00.20'S, 148°37.70'E, 720 m, coarse shelly sand, WHOI epibenthic sled, M.F. Gomon et al., RV Franklin, 27 Jul 1986 (stn SLOPE 46), NMV J52953.

Paratypes: 1 female, 1 dissected female (stn SLOPE 46), NMV J52954; 1 female (stn SLOPE 46), MGAB CUM 1611.

Diagnosis. Carapace high and smooth. Antenna 1 with long main flagellum. Dactylus of maxilliped 2 with short teeth. Maxilliped 3 with enlarged articles, merus 2nd longest article. Pereopod 1 with elongated articles with numerous plumose setae, merus second longest article. Pereopod 2 with long carpus, 2.5 times as long as merus, short dactylus with digitiform extremity. Dactylus of pereopods 3–5 fused with terminal stout seta. Long uropods, uropod peduncle 2.4 times as long as pleonite 6 and twice as long as endopod, with 8 microserrate setae on inner margin, endopod little longer than exopod, with 12 microserrate setae on inner margin.

Description. Body with highly calcified smooth integument. Length: 4.7 mm.

Carapace bulky, 0.51 body length, 1.3 times as long as high, oval in dorsal view, with short straight truncated pseudorostrum, ocular lobe with large base and minute tip, without lenses, antennal notch minute, lower margin smooth. Pereon 0.07 of entire body length, last 2 segments more visible. Pleon 0.41 body length, elongate.

Antenna 1 peduncle basal article the longest, rest progressively shorter, main flagellum 3-articulate, longer than last 2 articles of peduncle combined, accessory flagellum tiny, uniarticulate.

Maxilliped 2 basis and merus with strong plumose seta, ischium visible, carpus with tooth and simple seta on inner margin, propodus with inner tooth and simple seta, outer robust seta on distal corner, dactylus with 3 equal teeth shorter than propodal seta. Maxilliped 3 with enlarged articles, massive basis less than half as long as appendage, with 2 pappose setae on inner distal corner and an other 2, longer, on outer corner, ischium with hyaline outer crest, merus 2nd longest article, with 2 plumose setae medially, serrated inner margin, tooth and pappose seta on outer margin, carpus shorter than merus, with stronger serration on inner margin, tooth and pappose seta on outer margin, propodus shorter than carpus, with 4 teeth on inner margin, dactylus shorter than propodus, with simple setae.

Pereopod 1 basis longer than half of appendage, with long plumose seta on inner distal corner, ischium with tooth and long plumose seta on inner margin, merus 2nd longest article, with plumose setae on both margins, carpus as long as propodus, with plumose setae on both margins, propodus with plumose setae, dactylus almost half of propodus, with simple and plumose setae. Pereopod 2 basis less than half as long as appendage, with plumose seta on inner distal corner, merus with a similar one, carpus long, 2.5 times as long as merus, short dactylus (4 times as long as propodus), with digitiform extremity with few simple short setae. Pereopods 3–5 basis longer than half of appendage in 3rd pair, progressively shorter in next 2, carpus progressively longer, twice as long as merus in 5th pair. Exopods on maxilliped 3 and pereopods 1, 2.

Uropod peduncle 2.4 times as long as pleonite 6 and twice as long as endopod, with 8 microserrate long setae on inner margin, exopod with a long microserrate stout seta, endopod 8 little longer than exopod, with 12 microserrate setae on inner margin and longer terminal seta.

Etymology. The species is named “ setifera ” because of the unusual feature for a female.

Campylaspis, numerous setae on the uropods typical of males.

Distribution. Off Freycinet Peninsula, Tas.; 720 m depth.

Remarks. The new species is closer to C. thompsoni Hale, 1945 than to other species of the genus. It is strongly vaulted above the carapace, has a massive maxilliped 3 with numerous teeth on the margins of the merus and carpus, the pereopod 1 with numerous plumose setae, the merus being the second longest article, and the dactylus of pereopod 2 has a digitiform tip, and long uropods. C. setifera differs in: the ocular lobe is without lenses; antenna 1 has a longer main flagellum; maxilliped 2 has three dactylar teeth instead of four; the propodus of maxilliped 3 also has inner teeth, longer carpus and shorter dactylus in pereopod 2; and the uropod is totally different, almost malelike, with numerous microserrate setae on its peduncle and endopod (no setae on the peduncle and four setae on the endopod in C. thompsoni). C. setifera is the only species from this material without a sulcus, tubercles or spines on the carapace.


Published as part of Petrescu, Iorgu, 2006, Nannastacidae (Crustacea: Cumacea) from eastern Bass Strait, the south-eastern Australian slope, and Antarctica in the collections of Museum Victoria, pp. 129-173 in Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63 (2) on pages 151-152, DOI: 10.24199/j.mmv.2006.63.14,


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sp. nov.
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holotype , paratype
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Taxonomic concept label
Campylaspis setifera Petrescu, 2006


  • Hale, H. M. 1945. Australian Cumacea. No. 9. The Family Nannastacidae. Records of the South Australian Museum 8: 145 - 218.