Published December 31, 2006 | Version v1
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Campylaspis Sars 1865

  • 1. Grigore Antipa " National Museum of Natural History, Kiseleff 1, Bucharest 011341, Romania


Campylaspis Sars, 1865

Campylaspis Sars, 1865: 200.— Băcescu, 1992: 178–179.— Stoddart and Lowry, 2003: 373–418.

Bacescua Muradian, 1979: 105.

Sarsicuma Muradian, 1979: 104.

Type species. Cuma rubicunda Liljeborg, 1855.

Remarks. Species of Campylaspis are cumaceans with a bulky carapace, longer than 0.4 of total length, having a mandible with large pars incisiva and lacinia mobilis, acute pars molaris, and maxilliped 2 with a 3-toothed dactylus. Fifteen species are previously known from Australia; another 20 taxa are added from this study (19 of them being new to science).

Key to species of Campylaspis from Australian waters

1. Eye lenses present 2

— Eye lenses absent 14

2. Carapace smooth without tubercles, spines, carinae or lateral sulcus 3

— Carapace with tubercles, spines, carinae or a lateral furrow or sulcus 4

3. Uropodal peduncle 3 times as long as its endopod C. thompsoni Hale, 1945

— Uropodal peduncle 2.3 times as long as its endopod

C. similis Hale, 1945

4. Carapace with lateral sulcus, without ridges 5

Carapace without lateral sulcus, with ridges and carinae 7

5. Dactylus of pereopod 2 dilated distally C. latidactyla Hale, 1945

— Dactylus of pereopod 2 not dilated distally 6

6. Dactylus of pereopod 2 as long as carpus plus propodus C. unisulcata Hale, 1945

— Dactylus of pereopod shorter than carpus plus propodus C. minor Hale, 1945

7. Carapace with single, lateral rounded carina C. uniplicata Hale, 1945

Carapace with tubercles, spines, depressions and ridges 8

8. Carapace with ridges and lateral depressions 9

— Carapace with tubercles, spines and ridges 10

9. One ridge delimiting 1 large lateral excavation and 2 in posterior half C. rupta Hale, 1945

— Three lateral ridges delimiting 2 curved depressions C. triplicata Hale, 1945

10. Carapace covered with spiniform projections, spines on rest of body C. echinata Hale, 1945

— Carapace coverd with small tubercles 11

11. Carapace with very small tubercles anteriorly and dorsolaterally C. roscida Hale, 1945

— Carapace with conical tubercles 12

12. Maxilliped 3, 3 times as long as wide C. pustulosa Hale, 1945

— Maxilliped 3, 2 times as long as wide C. aspera Hale, 1945

13. Dactylus of maxilliped 2 with 3 long teeth, twice as long as propodus C. longidentata sp. nov.

— Dactylus of maxilliped 2 with teeth shorter or as long as propodus 14

14. Carapace with lateral depressions 15

— Carapace without lateral depressions 34

15. Carapace without ridges or carinae 16

— Carapace with ridges or carinae 29

16. Carapace with sulcus open on anterior extremity of carapace 17

— Carapace with sulcus not reaching the anterior extremity of carapace 25

17. Carapace smooth, excepting lateral depression 18

— Carapace with tubercles 19

18. Uropodal peduncle robust, with median crest, twice as long as exopod C. anae sp. nov.

— Uropodal peduncle slender, no median crest, 1.4 times as long as exopod C. rectangulata sp. nov.

19. Uropods long, elongated 20

— Uropods short, robust 22

20. Carapace with several rows of tubercles C. tasmaniensis sp.nov.

— Carapace with 1–2 tubercles 21

21. Carapace with 1 pair of tubercles at basis of frontal lobe C. lynseyae sp. nov.

— Carapace with 1 pair of tubercles at basis of frontal lobe, 2nd under sulcus C. spinifera sp. nov. 22. Dactylus of pereopod 2 long 23

— Dactylus of pereopod 2 short 24

23. Pseudorostral lobes meeting for distance of 3 times length of ocular lobe C. thetidis Hale, 1945

— Pseudorostral lobes meeting for distance of half ocular lobe C. sculpta sp. nov.

24. Uropods with terminal short setae with oval structures C. wardi Băcescu, 1991

— Uropods with terminal short setae without oval structures C. grossui sp. nov.

25. Carapace with tubercles 26

— Carapace without tubercles 27

26. Integument with acute tubercles C. australiensis sp. nov.

— Integument with spiny tubercles C. hirsuta sp. nov.

27. Maxilliped 3 and pereopod 1 with large and concave merus C. latimera sp. nov.

— Maxilliped 3 and pereopod 1 without large and concave merus 28

28. Pereopod 2 with digitiform dactylus tip C. halei sp. nov.

— Pereopod 2 with straight dactylus tip C. poorei sp. nov.

29. Carapace with transversal dorsal carinae 30

— Carapace without transversal dorsal carinae 31

30. Carapace with 1 transversal dorsal carina C. johnstoni Hale, 1937

— Carapace with 2 transversal dorsal carinae C. nowrae sp. nov

31. Carapace with dorsal tubercles C. angelae sp. nov.

— Carapace without tubercles 32

32. Pseudorostrum long, lobes meeting for a distance of sixth carapace length C. pileus (Foxon, 1932)

— Pseudorostrum short, lobes meeting for a distance shorter than eighth carapace length 33

33. Carapace with 2 lateral ridges delimiting 1 depression C. edenensis sp. nov.

— Carapace with 4 lateral ridges delimiting 3 depressions C. trisulcata sp. nov.

34. Carapace integument smooth C. setifera sp. nov.

— Carapace with long club-like setae, body and appendices highly serrated C. serrata sp. nov.


Published as part of Petrescu, Iorgu, 2006, Nannastacidae (Crustacea: Cumacea) from eastern Bass Strait, the south-eastern Australian slope, and Antarctica in the collections of Museum Victoria, pp. 129-173 in Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63 (2) on pages 130-131, DOI: 10.24199/j.mmv.2006.63.14,


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Campylaspis Sars, 1865 sec. Petrescu, 2006


  • Sars, G. O. 1865. Om den aberrante krebsdygruppe Cumacea og dens nordiske Arter. Forhandlinger i Videnskaps-Selskapet in Kristiania 1864: 202.
  • Bacescu, M. 1992. Cumacea II (Fam. Nannastacidae, Diastylidae, Pseudocumatidae, Gynodiastylidae et Ceratocumatidae) in: Gruner, H. E., and Holthuis, L. B. (eds), Crustaceorum Catalogus 8: 175 - 265. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.
  • Stoddart, H. E., and Lowry, J. K. 2003. Cumacea. Pp. 373 - 418 in: Beesley, P. L., and Houston, W. W. K. (eds), Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida: Amphipoda, Cumacea, Mysidacea. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne. (also at http: // www. deh. gov. au / cgi-bin / abrs / fauna /)
  • Muradian, Z. 1979. On two new species of Campylaspis (Cumacea, Nannastacidae) and some comments on the criteria for the diagnosis in the genus with the establishment of two new subgenera: Sarsia and Bacescua. Revue Roumaine de Biologie Serie Biologie Animale, 24: 104, 105.
  • Liljeborg, W. 1855. Om Hafs- crustaceer vid Kullaberg i Skaane. Ofversigt af Konglige Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar 12: 121.
  • Hale, H. M. 1945. Australian Cumacea. No. 9. The Family Nannastacidae. Records of the South Australian Museum 8: 145 - 218.
  • Bacescu, M. 1991. Campylaspis wardi sp. nov. and Gynodiastylis nordaustraliana sp. nov. from the littoral waters of northern Australia. Travaux du Museum dʼHistoire naturelle " Grigore Antipa " 31: 317 - 322.
  • Hale, H. M. 1937. Cumacea and Nebaliacea. Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911 - 14. Scientific Reports. Series C. - Zoology and Botany 2: 5 - 45
  • Foxon, G. E. H. 1932. Report on stomatopod larvae, Cumacea and Cladocera. Scientific Report, Great Barrier Reef Expedition 4: 375 - 398.