Integrated Agent-based Modelling and Simulation of Transportation Demand and Mobility Patterns in Sweden
- 1. Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Division of Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
The Synthetic Sweden Mobility (SySMo) model provides a simplified yet statistically realistic microscopic representation of the real population of Sweden. The agents in this synthetic population contain socioeconomic attributes, household characteristics, and corresponding activity plans for an average weekday. This agent-based modelling approach derives the transportation demand from the agents’ planned activities using various transport modes (e.g., car, public transport, bike, and walking).
This open data repository contains four datasets:
(1) Synthetic Agents,
(2) Activity Plans of the Agents,
(3) Travel Trajectories of the Agents, and
(4) Road Network (EPSG: 3006)
(OpenStreetMap data were retrieved on August 28, 2023, from, and GTFS data were retrieved on September 6, 2023 from
The database can serve as input to assess the potential impacts of new transportation technologies, infrastructure changes, and policy interventions on the mobility patterns of the Swedish population.
This dataset contains statistically simulated 10.2 million agents representing the population of Sweden, their socio-economic characteristics and the activity plan for an average weekday. For preparing data for the MATSim simulation, we randomly divided all the agents into 10 batches. Each batch's agents are then simulated in MATSim using the multi-modal network combining road networks and public transit data in Sweden using the package pt2matsim (
The agents' daily activity plans along with the road network serve as the primary inputs in the MATSim environment which ensures iterative replanning while aiming for a convergence on optimal activity plans for all the agents. Subsequently, the individual mobility trajectories of the agents from the MATSim simulation are retrieved.
The activity plans of the individual agents extracted from the MATSim simulation output data are then further processed. All agents with negative utility score and negative activity time corresponding to at least one activity are filtered out as the ‘infeasible’ agents. The dataset ‘Synthetic Agents’ contains all synthetic agents regardless of their ‘feasibility’ (0=excluded & 1=included in plans and trajectories). In the other datasets, only agents with feasible activity plans are included.
The simulation setup adheres to the MATSim 13.0 benchmark scenario, with slight adjustments. The strategy for replanning integrates BestScore (60%), TimeAllocationMutator (30%), and ReRoute (10%)— the percentages denote the proportion of agents utilizing these strategies. In each iteration of the simulation, the agents adopt these strategies to adjust their activity plans. The "BestScore" strategy retains the plan with the highest score from the previous iteration, selecting the most successful strategy an agent has employed up until that point. The "TimeAllocationMutator" modifies the end times of activities by introducing random shifts within a specified range, allowing for the exploration of different schedules. The "ReRoute" strategy enables agents to alter their current routes, potentially optimizing travel based on updated information or preferences. These strategies are detailed further in W. Axhausen et al. (2016) work, which provides comprehensive insights into their implementation and impact within the context of transport simulation modeling.
Data Description
(1) Synthetic Agents
This dataset contains all agents in Sweden and their socioeconomic characteristics.
The attribute ‘feasibility’ has two categories: feasible agents (73%), and infeasible agents (27%). Infeasible agents are agents with negative utility score and negative activity time corresponding to at least one activity.
File name: 1_syn_pop_all.parquet
Column |
Description |
Data type |
Unit |
PId |
Agent ID |
Integer |
- |
Deso | Zone code of Demographic statistical areas (DeSO)1 | String | - |
kommun |
Municipality code | Integer | - |
marital |
Marital Status (single/ couple/ child) | String | - |
sex |
Gender (0 = Male, 1 = Female) | Integer | - |
age |
Age | Integer | - |
HId |
A unique identifier for households | Integer | - |
HHtype |
Type of households (single/ couple/ other) | String | - |
HHsize |
Number of people living in the households | Integer | - |
num_babies |
Number of children less than six years old in the household | Integer | - |
employment | Employment Status (0 = Not Employed, 1 = Employed) | Integer | - |
studenthood | Studenthood Status (0 = Not Student, 1 = Student) | Integer | - |
income_class | Income Class (0 = No Income, 1 = Low Income, 2 = Lower-middle Income, 3 = Upper-middle Income, 4 = High Income) | Integer | - |
num_cars | Number of cars owned by an individual | Integer | - |
HHcars | Number of cars in the household | Integer | - |
feasibility |
Status of the individual (1=feasible, 0=infeasible) | Integer | - |
(2) Activity Plans of the Agents
The dataset contains the car agents’ (agents that use cars on the simulated day) activity plans for a simulated average weekday.
File name: 2_plans_i.parquet, i = 0, 1, 2, ..., 8, 9. (10 files in total)
Column |
Description |
Data type |
Unit |
act_purpose |
Activity purpose (work/ home/ school/ other) |
String |
- |
PId |
Agent ID |
Integer |
- |
act_end |
End time of activity (0:00:00 – 23:59:59) |
String |
hour:minute:seco nd |
act_id |
Activity index of each agent |
Integer |
- |
mode |
Transport mode to reach the activity location |
String |
- |
Coordinate X of activity location (SWEREF99TM) |
Float |
metre |
Coordinate Y of activity location (SWEREF99TM) |
Float |
metre |
dep_time |
Departure time (0:00:00 – 23:59:59) |
String |
hour:minute:seco nd |
score |
Utility score of the simulation day as obtained from MATSim |
Float |
- |
trav_time |
Travel time to reach the activity location |
String |
hour:minute:seco nd |
trav_time_min |
Travel time in decimal minute |
Float |
minute |
act_time |
Activity duration in decimal minute |
Float |
minute |
distance |
Travel distance between the origin and the destination |
Float |
km |
speed |
Travel speed to reach the activity location |
Float |
km/h |
(3) Travel Trajectories of the Agents
This dataset contains the driving trajectories of all the agents on the road network, and the public transit vehicles used by these agents, including buses, ferries, trams etc. The files are produced by MATSim simulations and organised into 10 *.parquet’ files (representing different batches of simulation) corresponding to each plan file.
File name: 3_events_i.parquet, i = 0, 1, 2, ..., 8, 9. (10 files in total)
Column |
Description |
Data type |
Unit |
time |
Time in second in a simulation day (0-86399) |
Integer |
second |
type |
Event type defined by MATSim simulation* |
String |
- |
person |
Agent ID |
Integer |
- |
link |
Nearest road link consistent with the road network |
String |
- |
vehicle |
Vehicle ID identical to person |
Integer |
- |
from_node |
Start node of the link |
Integer |
- |
to_node |
End node of the link |
Integer |
- |
* One typical episode of MATSim simulation events: Activity ends (actend) -> Agent’s vehicle enters traffic (vehicle enters traffic) -> Agent’s vehicle moves from previous road segment to its next connected one (left link) -> Agent’s vehicle leaves traffic for activity (vehicle leaves traffic) -> Activity starts (actstart)
(4) Road Network
This dataset contains the road network.
File name: 4_network.shp
Column |
Description |
Data type |
Unit |
length |
The length of road link |
Float |
metre |
freespeed |
Free speed |
Float |
km/h |
capacity |
Number of vehicles |
Integer |
- |
permlanes |
Number of lanes |
Integer |
- |
oneway |
Whether the segment is one-way (0=no, 1=yes) |
Integer |
- |
modes |
Transport mode |
String |
- |
from_node |
Start node of the link |
Integer |
- |
to_node |
End node of the link |
Integer |
- |
geometry |
geometry |
metre |
Additional Notes
This research is funded by the RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Formas, project number 2018-01768), and Transport Area of Advance, Chalmers.
YL designed the simulation, analyzed the simulation data, and, along with CT, executed the simulation. CT, SD, FS, and SY conceptualized the model (SySMo), with CT and SD further developing the model to produce agents and their activity plans. KG wrote the data document. All authors reviewed, edited, and approved the final document.
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- Tozluoğlu, Ç., Dhamal, S., Yeh, S., Sprei, F., Liao, Y., Marathe, M., Barrett, C. L., & Dubhashi, D. (2023). A synthetic population of Sweden: datasets of agents, households, and activity-travel patterns. Data in Brief, 48, 109209.
- Liao, Y., Tozluoglu, C., Sprei, F., Yeh, S., & Dhamal, S. (2023). Open synthetic data on travel and charging demand of battery electric cars: An agent-based simulation on three charging behavior archetypes.
- Beser, M., & Algers, S. (2002). SAMPERS—The new Swedish national travel demand forecasting tool. In National transport models: Recent developments and prospects (pp. 101-118). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- W Axhausen, K., Horni, A., & Nagel, K. (2016). The multi-agent transport simulation MATSim (p. 618). Ubiquity Press.