Published February 10, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Ph.D. Research Scholar, Faculty of Juridical Sciences, Rama University, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
  • 2. ROR icon Rama University
  • 3. Associate Professor, Faculty of Juridical Sciences, Rama University, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.



Under the above research article, cyber terrorists have studied the incidents of fraud of crypto currency and maintaining the website for crypto currency.          In the present context, excessive money is received by terrorist organizations through cryptocurrency by funding in terror account, which is a matter of concern, as well as the risk of terrorist incidents is increasing more and more for all the countries of the world. Terrorism is increasing day by day. Cybercrime has given a new direction to cybercrime, on the other hand, cryptocurrency become a kind of tool for cyber terrorism, through crypto currency by terrorism leaders sitting in the country and abroad, using digital currency in millions of trillions every year the country’s economic, Along with loss, social damage is also caused. Terrorists have had one objective since the beginning, loss of life and money to the enemy country, for this reason, by obtaining cryptocurrency, cyber criminal’s provide new technical resources to their training centers, online smuggling, and online gambling etc, promote criminal activities. Such a huge amount of crypto currency is cheated by the terrorists, due to which there criminals lure the youth for jobs by giving them a lot of money, the youth also join these jobs without knowing about if and avoid unemployment. By the time a person is aware of this topic ,the youth also  get involved in terrorist activities, these topic have been analyzed in the said research work.

Keywords- AI, Cryptocurrency, Terror, Funding, digital, etc.



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