Published April 8, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

JR100 Expedition 379T Site J1002 beryllium isotope, XRF element count and carbon isotope data sets

  • 1. ROR icon The University of Tokyo
  • 2. ROR icon Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
  • 3. ROR icon San Diego State University
  • 4. ROR icon International Ocean Discovery Program


JR100 Expedition 379T Site J1002 beryllium isotope, XRF element count and carbon isotope data sets (Finalised 8th of April 2024)

How to cite these data:

The full data were published in Sproson et al., 2024.

Sproson AD, Yokoyama Y, Miyairi Y, Aze T, Clementi VJ, Riechelson H, Bova SC, Rosenthal Y, Childress LB & Expedition 379T Scientists. Near-synchronous Northern Hemisphere and Patagonian ice sheet variation over the last glacial cycle. Nature Geoscience (2024).


Supplementary Table 1: Multiple linear regression results between 10Be/9Be ratios and sedimentation rate, K/Ca, Fe/Ca, Al/Ti (this study), Green/Blue (Li et al., 2022), and Global Mean Sea Level (Lambeck et al., 2014). The multiple linear regression was calculated using the MATLAB(R) function “regress”.

Supplementary Table 2:  Age-depth model and beryllium isotope measurements for Site J1002. The age-depth model was calculated from radiocarbon dates and oxygen isotope stratigraphy (Li et al., 2022) using the BIGMACS modelling routine (Lee et al., 2022). Beryllium-9 and beryllium-10 were measured by Adam D. Sproson by HR-ICP-MS and AMS at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (Sproson et al., 2021) and University of Tokyo (Matsuzaki et al., 2007), respectively. 10Be/9Be* ratios were corrected for 10Be paleo-production following von Blanckenburg et al. (2015). 

Supplementary Table 3: X-ray Fluorescence Ti, K, Fe, Ca, and Al element counts per second for Site J1002 measured at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory by Vincent J. Clementi.

Supplementary Table 4: Carbon isotope measurements for the benthic foraminifera, U. peregrina, measured at Rutgers University by Vincent J. Clementi.


Depth (m CCSF-A) = core composite depth below seafloor.

Calendar age (kyr BP) = age in thousand years before present.

[10Be]reac, [9Be]reac = the concentration of 10Be and 9Be in the reactive phase of marine sediments. 

Sample ID = expedition sample designation specifying hole (e.g., A), core number (e.g., 1), type (i.e., H), section number (e.g., 1), and then section half (i.e., W).

σ = standard deviation.


Lambeck K, Rouby H, Purcell A, Sun Y, Sambridge M. Sea level and global ice volumes from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2014;111(43):15296-15303. 

Lee T, Rand D, Lisiecki LE, Gebbie G, Lawrence CE. Bayesian age models and stacks: Combining age inferences from radiocarbon and benthic δ18O stratigraphic alignment. EGUsphere. 2022;2022:1-29.

Li C, Clementi VJ, Bova SC, et al. The sediment green‐blue color ratio as a proxy for biogenic silica productivity along the Chilean Margin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2022:e2022GC010350. 

Matsuzaki H, Nakano C, Tsuchiya Y, et al. Multi-nuclide AMS performances at MALT. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2007;259(1):36-40. 

Sproson AD, Aze T, Behrens B, Yokoyama Y. Initial measurement of beryllium‐9 using high‐resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry allows for more precise applications of the beryllium isotope system within the Earth Sciences. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2021;35(8):e9059. 

Von Blanckenburg F, Bouchez J, Ibarra DE, Maher K. Stable runoff and weathering fluxes into the oceans over Quaternary climate cycles. Nature Geoscience. 2015;8(7):538-542. 



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Postdoctoral Fellowship P18791
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
人為的風化促進の長期影響評価の為の先端宇宙線生成核種による地球表層環境変動研究 20H00193
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
南極堆積物の宇宙線生成核種を使った古環境復元に関する研究 18F18791
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Digging Deeper with the JR100: Extending high resolution paleoclimate records from the Chilean Margin to the Eemian OCE 1756241
National Science Foundation


  • Lambeck K, Rouby H, Purcell A, Sun Y, Sambridge M. Sea level and global ice volumes from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2014;111(43):15296-15303.
  • Lee T, Rand D, Lisiecki LE, Gebbie G, Lawrence CE. Bayesian age models and stacks: Combining age inferences from radiocarbon and benthic δ18O stratigraphic alignment. EGUsphere. 2022;2022:1-29.
  • Li C, Clementi VJ, Bova SC, et al. The sediment green‐blue color ratio as a proxy for biogenic silica productivity along the Chilean Margin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2022:e2022GC010350.
  • Matsuzaki H, Nakano C, Tsuchiya Y, et al. Multi-nuclide AMS performances at MALT. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2007;259(1):36-40.
  • Sproson AD, Aze T, Behrens B, Yokoyama Y. Initial measurement of beryllium‐9 using high‐resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry allows for more precise applications of the beryllium isotope system within the Earth Sciences. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2021;35(8):e9059.
  • Von Blanckenburg F, Bouchez J, Ibarra DE, Maher K. Stable runoff and weathering fluxes into the oceans over Quaternary climate cycles. Nature Geoscience. 2015;8(7):538-542.